Nope, Not For Me

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A/N: Really quickly I would like to acknowledge how long it has been since the last update, writers block can be a really big obstacle to get over.

I sat there, my pajama pants getting soaked with blood. It had poured out all over the floor, the smell of my aunt's corpse getting worse by the second. I tried my best not to look towards her, scared I might get sick again. The two demons who did it were standing behind me talking to each other. Mostly about what they were going to do next, one things for certain, I thought to my self, I am not going with them. I tried to formulate a plan in my head, but couldn't think straight. After everything that had just happened I was surprised I could even tell what was going on. Determined not to be taken by them...I decided to just wing it. My aunt kept kitchen knives near here, I could grab one and go through the back door while they are distracted. How hard can it be?

Apparently very. Not luck, or even skill, seemed to be in my favor that night. As soon as I stood up the blond one noticed. "Hey," he said, "what are you doing?" I didn't answer him though and instead made a mad dash to where I thought the knives were. I opened the drawer, pulling out the largest and longest one I could find.

"Just put it down," the older one said in what I guess was supposed to be a calming voice. "At least let us explain what we're doing here and who we are."

"Fuck no," I said, my voice hoarse and shaking from fear and crying. I held the knife with two hands directly in front of me, the tip pointing towards him. "But, I'll tell you what you're going to do. You're going to leave, and when you do I'll call the cops, and not long after that you'll both be rotting in cells." I saw him cringe at the menace in my voice. I started to back away when I realized I didn't see the blond anywhere. I began to turn my head in every direction, but he was nowhere to be seen. I kept on backing up towards the door, my senses now hyper alerted after not being able to find him.

I made it to the door, calmer than I was before. I somehow managed to convince myself that he just went off to do...something. I was just desperate to have some sort of reason as to why I couldn't find him. My hand gripped onto the handle slowly turning it, my eyes never left the older boy. When I started to open the door I expected him to at least try to stop me. I witnessed him murder someone! He just stood there though, looking at me.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he said, I had just started to open the door. I gave him a, 'what the fuck?' look, "if you do we'll have to chase you." I stopped dead in my tracks, my heartbeat quickened. He can't be serious, I thought, but the way that he said it so calmly and surely told me that he was.

I scoffed, trying my best to cover up the fear that I was feeling (though I was probably failing miserably) and said, "What are you going to do? Kill me?" I regretted it as soon as I said it, his eyes darken and he took a step forward. I was not about to get my ass killed, so I booked said ass, right out of there. I ran as fast as I could, the kitchen knife coming close to hitting my face each time I swung my arms to try and give me an extra boost in speed. I went to the only place I could think of losing them, the woods.

I know it was a stupid idea, but no matter how shitty of an idea it was, the alternative was a lot worse. I don't know about you, but getting kidnapped and potentially killed wasn't exactly for me. So, I ran straight for the woods. I had left through the back of the fence where there was a gate on the side. There was a small forest right behind my house, I've been going in them ever since I was little.

My breathing was raggedy, listening to the loud crunch of leaves as my feet hit the ground. I thought I could hear the sound of someone, or rather two of them, following me, motivating me to push my legs even harder. As I ran for quite a while and for quite a distance, it was becoming increasingly difficult to see, and for me to run and keep my pace. I was running out of energy, and fast. I could only hope that the assholes running after me were feeling the same way.

I was running purely on adrenaline now, the thought of what could happen if they caught me the only thing keeping me going; because death was certainly not something I wanted to experience right now.

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