The Beginning of the End

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I stared at him, a smile playing on my lips. "I love--"

He covered my mouth before I had the chance to finish. "Please, Alexzander, don't say that. I'm trying so hard... Don't make this difficult."

I continued to look at him, gently removing his hand and placing it on my cheek. "Pierro, I want to stay."

He turned away, clenching his eyes shut. The blonde didn't say a word, just took my hand and began to walk down a fresh trail. However, I saw his eyes for a split second and they held only one emotion; heartbreak.

We walked in silence for maybe a little over an hour. My feet were beginning to hurt, and I'd been trying to build up the courage to speak my mind. As we drew closer to what I assumed was our end goal, the familiar sounds of traffic reached my ears. Pierro led me to a metal bar and my suspicions were proven correct; we were at the side of a highway.

We stopped about a foot away from the bar, I turned to look at him. "Pierro, listen--"

"Alex, just stop. You can't stay with us, you'll regain your memories and hate me--us even more." He refused to look at me.

"Don't you get it, Pierro? I don't want to leave!" I screamed at him. "Look at me. I. Want. To. Stay. Why can't you fucking understand that?"

"Dammit, Alexzander. Why do you have to always be so stubborn?" His quiet voice asked.

I was about to say something when Pierro left my sight and there was a sharp pain on the back of my head.


When I awoke, there were police sirens and Pierro was nowhere to be found. A paramedic came and took me to an ambulance. They checked my reflexes, shined bright lights in my eyes, and gave me a basic check-up. Everything was happening so quickly, I was having trouble processing it. Not to mention all my memories came flooding back.

Before I even got a word out, I was being led into the hospital. They got me a room, took more tests, then left. However, I was not alone for long. Policemen came into my room and started interrogating me. I told them everything; at least everything I can without sounding crazy.

I don't know what happened to the brothers.

The policemen wrote down their description, they even brought in a criminal sketch artist. Once I got out of the hospital, I went into foster care. But not for long. Almost as soon as I turned eighteen, I was kicked out of the system.

Luckily, and I'll be forever grateful for this, my foster-family at the time let me stay with them until I could support myself. I got a job at a local supermarket and began my college education a year after graduation.

But I was also busy seeing a therapist. I couldn't cope with what I had seen, what I had experienced. Especially the last few days. It was all too much for me, I had to tell someone about it. Even if they didn't believe me.

The therapist convinced me that it was my mind trying to cope with what had happened. That there were no wolves, no fangs, no personality switch, and no sparks. I believed her, it was the only thing that sounded sane.

I had gone on medication to help with the "emotional stress" as they put it. Soon after my first year of college, I had moved to Ireland. I wanted to get as far away as possible. I knew I was running away, whether it be from them or something else.

I had transferred my credits to a college near the cafe I worked at and resumed studies just as the year started.


"Will that be all for you ma'am?" I asked a young woman politely, writing down her order.

She nodded to me and I took that as my cue to leave. I was too busy looking around to see if any other customers needed me, that I bumped into someone.

I felt sparks.

A/n: Is a second book called They're Just Crazy. And this brings an end to the beginning.


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