Do Re Mi Fa So...

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Oh my God, why can't I learn to shut my damn mouth? Most of my problems probably wouldn't have happened if I had kept my comments to myself. However, I don't regret this time so much. Seeing a murder doesn't seem that appealing.

"Please... Please don't kill him," I stuttered quietly. A hush fell over the room. I was terrified, what's the chance this monster won't just attack me? No one would know.

Out of nowhere, Jerome started screaming. I jumped back, thinking he has completely lost it. It lasted for a few seconds until he abruptly stopped. He looked up at me, his eyes turning back to normal. However, that no longer meant much to me.

"Alex... Alexzander, I'm so sorry." Jerome slowly began to stumble towards me.

"Don't fucking move!" I screamed, terrified.

"Alex please..." Jerome pleaded. "I'm so sorry, I-I didn't have control over what I was doing. I would've never done that to you, I promise. Please just understand."

"I'm so fucking done with this shit," I spat. "I would rather die than put up with you assholes."

"Alex," Pierro started. Something was off though. "Do not say things like that." The intensity of his stare was putting me on edge.

"What are you going to do about it?"

Pierro stood up, clenching his fist and grinding his teeth.


"No! I'm done! And I dare you to lecture me, Jerome."

"Can both of you just get out?" I venomously said. I want to be alone. I don't understand why this shit is happening to me. What did I do to deserve this? Did I piss off God or something?

No one said a word, they were both looking at me. They looked as if they were in pain. I saw Jerome's eyes flash before he squeezed them shut.

"I'm going to put on some clothes." Jerome stormed out of the room, his voice slightly shaking.

"This will happen again Alexzander; and when it does, I might not be able to help," Pierro said through his teeth. "I might not even want to." After that, he marched after his brother.

I flinched when he slammed the door. I fucking hate them.


Time to get out of this hell-hole, I thought to myself as I tied my shoes. I decided to swallow my pride and changed into some clothes from the dresser. I was wearing a white T-shirt with baggy blue jeans. My shoes were stained with mud, but hey; at least my socks are warm.

After that fiasco with Jerome and Pierro, I had made up my mind. I was going to escape, and either succeed or die trying. I couldn't spend another day scared that one of them would snap and do what they did to my aunt.

I shook my head, I had to remain focused.

I slowly opened the door, it had been an hour or so since the last time I saw the brothers. Jerome came to give me a sandwich, Pierro trailing behind.

But they were gone now, and it was dead silent.

I quietly walked down the hall, but not towards the stairs. I was going to see if I could find that phone. There were three doors on each side of the hall, including mine, and one at the very end. That one looked the most menacing so, naturally, I went to it first.

I slowly twisted the handle. However, it was locked. There must be something important on the other side. There has to be a key somewhere, right? I turned around and went into the first room on my left.

It was just a bathroom.

I took a look under the sink, thinking there might be something under there to help me. I only found spare toilet paper and towels.

I walked out, going into the room across from it. I immediately walked out; it was the empty room.

I searched the guest room, what I assumed was Pierro's room, and now I only had one room left; Jerome's.

This was the room I least expected to find anything useful in. I assumed that after I had found their very... Interesting collection, they would hide it somewhere else. But it seemed as if I was wrong.

I went to check the closet where I had found it, and everything was still there. Even the phone. This all was way too convenient, but at that moment I didn't care. This was a glimmer of hope, I could finally get out of here!

I hear the closet door slam open, light flooding in around a figure. I jumped back against the wall, quickly slipping the phone into my front pocket.

"Alex..." I heard Jerome growl, "I understand that what happened today scared you, but you need to get out."

"Be careful there, your wolf is showing."

"I'm going to let that slide, but don't you dare fucking say that again." He was no longer naked but seemed furious. "And I can't deal with this shit so you better hurry up and come here."

"Wow, you almost fucking rape me and now you're treating me like dirt. Such a gentleman." I snapped.

"Alexzander! I wasn't in control! Why can't you see that!?" He yelled, moving closer to me.

"Stop using that as an excuse! It's fucking stupid! This whole thing is fucking stupid!" I stood up, also taking a step closer.

"Alexzander, you need to leave--right now." Jerome's eyes flashed, mine, on the other hand, went wide with fear and I booked it out of there.

I ran to "my room" and slammed the door behind me. My heart was racing. I sat on the bed and began to softly chuckle, reaching into my pocket to take out the phone. There may be hope for me just yet, I thought to myself while smiling. Maybe, just maybe, I can finally call the police and get away from these two lunatics.

All it will take is a few buttons and I'll never have to see these sick fucks ever again.

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