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I hurriedly got up and opened the door, leaving no time to back down from my plan.

1. Get out of the freaky room.

Guess I can give that a check.

2. Find the door, undetected.

3. Get the fuck out of here.

4. Walk around until you find civilization.

It's not the most detailed plan, but it's a start.

I walked down the hallway, but before I could make it to the staircase I hear a door open. I quickly entered the nearest room and closed the door. My heart was beating like crazy because of the adrenaline, fear from the possibility of being caught.

It was dark in the room but my eyes quickly adjusted, allowing me to look around without needing a bright light. It appeared to be one of the brothers room. The walls were painted a light gray color, there was a king sized bed up against the wall on the other side, and what I assumed to be a closet door in front.

I started walking around, my curiosity getting the best of me. I was walking towards the bed when I heard footsteps near the bedroom.

"Yeah, I think I left it in here," a voice in the hall said.

Without giving it much thought I quickly went into the would-be closet and closed the door.

I heard someone moving around, causing me to move back so that I was further from the closet's entrance. Deciding I might find something useful and I have nothing better to do, I began to look around the place.

I was quite large, for a closet anyway, I could tell it was very organized despite the little-to-no light. Nothing really interesting was in there, except for maybe a black duffle bag.

There were chains, rope, pieces of cloth, it was all very disturbing. However, there was one thing that caught my eye; a flip phone. It was disposable but seemed in to be in fair condition.

I could call the police.

Before I could think more about my idea, I heard the closet door open. Shit, I thought, I'm in for it now.

I quickly turned around and came face-to-face with Jerome. And he looked pissed.

Jerome grabbed my arm, yanked the phone out of my hand, and violently dragged me out of the bedroom to the hallway.

"Let the fuck go of me!" I yelled at him, trying to break his grip.

He ignored me and instead walked down the hallway, I assumed that he was going to take me to "my room," while he went off to do whatever it is psychopaths do in their free time. But he walked straight past where I remembered where it was, and instead pushed me into a different room a few doors over.

Jerome flipped on a light and slam the door behind him, making the floor shake. "What the hell were you doing?!" He screamed while taking angry steps towards me.

"I-I, I was just, ya know..." I stuttered, moving away from him.

He stopped his little march and gave a dry laugh, "Why am I even asking? I know exactly what you were trying to do." His tone was foul, giving me goosebumps up and down my arms.

I stayed silent, not wanting to add anything to his furious state. I haven't even looked around the room yet because I was afraid that if I took my eyes off him, something horrible would happen.

"We're going to set down some ground rules," he growled out. "You do not go against me and Pierro, you do not leave your room without permission--"

"Fuck you," I whispered under my breath. But the world apparently wants to shit on my life even more, because he heard it.

"Why are you acting like this!?" He roared, "You don't even understand what all we've done for you!"

"Then make me!" I yelled back, "Make me understand why the hell you kidnapped me--and stalked me! Because I have no fucking clue!"

Jerome's whole demeanor almost instantly changed, he suddenly looked tired and weary. "You will... Eventually," and with that, he walked out.

I was teary-eyed and alone, I was getting worked up over this, and I hated it. I fell into a fetal position, with my knees drawn to my chest, and I cried. I was trying to hold in everything I was feeling, I was sucking at it, but I was trying.

The room was empty.

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