Who's Crazy

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I sat there wide-eyed and in shock.

"So," Jerome started, crossing his arms over his chest. "Are you still in denial?"

I stared at him, dumbstruck and my mouth agape. I'm not too shocked that he was a werewolf, at least that's not the only reason. It's the fact that he's stark-naked and doesn't seem to care.

I cleared my throat when I finally managed to avert my attention, that wall looked nice. "Can you put some fucking clothes on?" I croaked out, my face becoming warmer.

It was silent for a few seconds, then it felt the bed shift. My eyes quickly snapped to where he was. Jerome was sitting on his knees at the edge of the bed while facing me. There was an unreadable expression on his face, but the thing the made my heart stop was his eyes.

They were golden.

"J-Jerome?" I stuttered out. I couldn't seem to look away from his eyes, they were captivating. "What are you doing?" He was hovering over me, I hadn't even noticed him move.

Jerome remained silent until he brushed his thumb across my cheek. "Hello, love," he whispered.

"Your voice..." It was deeper than before.

He hummed in question, breaking eye contact when he rubbed his nose against my neck. Jerome took a deep breath, "Your birthday's in a few days, right?"

"Fuck if I know." My voice was shaking while I tried to regain my composure.

Jerome chuckled then roughly grabbed the blanket on each side of my head. He rested his forehead on top of mine, his eyes staring right back at me. "I tried, I really did. But when Jerome changed, he was practically begging for me to take over."

"What are you talking about? Why are you talking like that?"

He sighed, his breath gently hitting my face. "You already know so much, I don't understand why he's staying away. He goes out every day and does anything to get you off his mind." He darkly chuckled, the atmosphere taking a dramatic turn. "It hurts, you know?" He squeezed his eyes shut, "to have felt this for almost a year and never been able to do anything. I guess I kind of snapped when..." He trailed off.

"Jerome, I'm confused. What the hell is happening? What are you saying?" Has he actually lost his mind?

His grip on the blanket tightened as if he was holding himself back.

Needless to say, I was mortified. Here is Jerome who is twice my size, clearly insane, and seems to be pissed off.

"Fuck... Fuck!" He suddenly screamed, "You don't even know yet! How I feel, how Jerome and his brother feels! I can't do this! A few more days might kill me!"

Before I had any time to react, his lips crashed into mine. It was rough and hungry. I didn't kiss back and my eyes were wide with disbelief. Jerome just kissed me harder and wrapped his arm around my neck, pulling me closer while his other one took hold of my shirt.

I managed to jerk my head to the side, "What the fuck?" I breathed out, trying to catch my breath.

I felt him start to kiss my neck, lightly biting and sucking every once in a while.

I gasped and started to try and push him away. "What the hell!?"

I suddenly felt Jerome jump back. He kept moving away until he was on the other side of the room. "I'm so sorry..." He kept repeating that over and over.

My eyes were bulging out of the sockets. While Jerome's returned to his sky blue. His eyes flashed back to gold and his worried, almost panicked, expression turned to one of anger. He began to march towards me, his eyes trained on my face.

Jerome was right at the foot of the bed when a certain blond charged in.

"Jerome what are you..." Pierro trailed off when his brother met his gaze. "Oh, so it's you."

"Nice to see you again, Pierro." Jerome turned around to face him.

"You need to leave. Right now," Pierro stated harshly.

I looked between the two, confused as hell. "What's going on?"

Pierro spared me a glance but remained silent.

"Are you gonna make me?" Jerome said in a challenging tone.

Something flashed through Pierro's eyes but he quickly covered it up. "You don't want to do this... Imagine what's going through Alexzander's head."

Jerome turned his head to look at me for a second before facing the blond. "He won't care," he growled out.

"Could you guys stop acting like I'm not fucking here?"

Probably not the best thing to say in that situation.

"You heard him, Alexzander doesn't want to be ignored." Jerome smiled wickedly while turning to face me. Pierro sprang into action. Grabbing hold of his arm and pulling him back. "Let go of me!" Jerome roared, trying to break Pierro's grip on him.

"Bring Jerome back!" The younger boy demanded, refusing to let go.

Jerome smirked, "He doesn't want to be in control."

Pierro hesitated, disbelief covering his face. That was all the time Jerome needed.

I don't understand what's going on. Why is Jerome acting like this, and why does he talk like he isn't himself? Why does Pierro act as if Jerome is another person entirely? And why was his damn eyes gold?

The brunette ripped his arm away from Pierro and flung him back with his arm. The brother hit the wall with a groan and a loud bang and fell to the floor.

"We don't want to hurt you... But I, for one, am not against going as far as to kill you," Jerome said coldly.

Pierro looked up at him, hatred in his glare. "Just give me my brother back you fucking wolf!"

Jerome sighed in disappointment. "Making me do this to my own flesh and blood... Such a shame."

In a blink of an eye he was holding Pierro above his head, Jerome's hand around his neck. His brother struggled, kicking and trying to pry his hand off. Until his movements began to slow and Pierro looked on the verge of passing out.

"Wait! Stop! Stop it right now!"

Jerome almost immediately dropped the suffocating boy. Pierro fell to the floor and was coughing, trying desperately to catch his breath. They both looked at me, a mix of expressions on their faces.

Why the fuck did I do that?

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