Well Then

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The older dude was the one who opened the door. When he did he tried to smile at me. I returned it by giving him a disgusted face. He stopped after that.

"Don't be like that," the blond one said, jumping out of nowhere. "We did technically save your life."

That really got my blood boiling, it was the second time they claimed to have "saved me." I was fucking sick of it.

"You know damn well that you didn't do anything to save me! All you did was kidnap me and kill the only family I know! Damn you both to hell!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was tired, I was scared, but most of all, I was pissed.

The older one went to grab me. He didn't seem angry or anything and nothing in his actions gave me that impression. He just seemed as though he wanted to get this part over with. The blond one on the other hand, was livid.

"Of course we saved you!" He yelled "What do you think your aunt was going to do when she got of hold of you, huh!? Because she wasn't going to give you kisses, that's for sure!"

I kicked the older boys hand away, moving back a little to create some distance as he started to reach out for me. It was like that for a while, he would reach for me, and I would kick his hand away and move back a little. Now that I think back on it, he was probably just playing with me, because he could've grabbed my ankle and drag me to him. However, he went along with what I was doing.

He reached out for me again, but this time instead of moving back, I hit the end of the van. The wall that was right behind the front seats.

He then jumped into the van and grabbed my arms. I kick my legs frantically all over the place (it not being very efficient since my legs were tied together). Hoping that I would hit him somewhere hard enough for him to let go. It didn't work.

He began dragging me by my forearm and I started to struggle even more. Spitting insults like, "bastard," "motherfucker," "psychopath," and basically anything else I could think of.

Nothing seemed to work and I was beginning to feel terrified and frustrated at this point. I was twisting my arms in unnatural positions, hoping to somehow loosen the restraints on my wrist, and his hold on me.

"Shh, shh, it's okay," the older boy whispered in my ear.

"What do you even want!?" I yelled, desperation creeping into my tone. I had tired myself out and was on the verge of tears. I felt so powerless over this situation, I was just so tired. I was having a hard time thinking straight, and everything I did was on impulse. I was not thinking anything through.

He lightly ran a finger across my forehead, moving a stray hair out of my face. I flinched away from his touch and he sighed. "We didn't mean for this to happen, we just wanted--shit, I don't know what we were even thinking." His voice was soft, and he sounded so sincere that it made me start to believe him.

What the hell? I thought, snap out of it. They kidnapped you, he fucking killed your aunt for Christ sake, and here you are feeling bad for them!

I tried to get away again, but this time it was much more forced than anything. By the time he had dragged me to the opening of the van, I was breathless and felt drained.

Most of what happened next was a blur. I felt a pain in my neck and immediately an odd sense of calmness came over me. All I could tell was that someone picked me up bridal style and got out of the van, walking towards somewhere. I felt my eyes begin to drop, sleep begging to take over. I fought against it and we walked inside somewhere. I only noticed when I heard a door slam, I jumped a little at the loud noise. It seemed to echo throughout the room.

I heard a muffled voice, and then they started to walk up some stairs. We turned somewhere I think, and all fight I had against the sleepiness left as soon as I felt myself being laid down on a bed.

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