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I finally pulled myself together, wiping my cheeks to get rid of the tear stains. I felt dirty and hungry, it didn't really surprise me, I've been here for at least three days.

I slowly stood up and made my way to the door. I walked out into the hallway and decided to find something to eat first.

Going down the steps I found myself surrounded by windows. The room really was beautiful. I was able to see outside, it was daytime so a lot of natural light was coming in. All I could see were trees, I felt trapped. I guess I technically was, it just never really sunk in.

My aunt was gone, my life as I knew it no longer existed, and I'm stuck in a house with psychopaths.

I felt heavy, tired, and sad. I wanted to leave, I don't care where I go. Anywhere has got to be better than this.

I thought for a moment, maybe I could break the glass?

I quickly walked to the next room I knew to be a kitchen and grabbed a stool. Walking back to the glass room, I chose a spot right next to the stairs and flung the wooden chair at it.

It bounced off of the window, making a loud bang. Other than that, nothing happened. Not even a scratch was visible. Not giving up, I flung the stool at it again, and again, and again. Still nothing.

On the fifth try, I felt someone yank the chair from me just when I was about to throw it.

I turned around and saw Pierro. He looked like he just woke up and was still in pajamas.

"What are you doing?" His voice was tired and I wondered what time it was. The sun was out, and it's not as if they left to do some laboring task. Then again I barely see them. So maybe they do leave.

Then what are they doing? Are they working? They must pay bills somehow. Does anyone know about this? Do they have friends?

What about the people at school? Wouldn't it seem suspicious if three students are all out the same days? Or do they just don't care?

I snapped out of my train of thought, realizing Pierro actually wanted an answer. "What does it look like?" I growled out.

He rolled his eyes, "It looks like you're homeless. We have a shower, use it." He responded, his tone making me feel like a child being scolded.

I mumbled something before walking past him to the kitchen. He followed me, putting the stool back at the island.

"You want anything?" Pierro offered, rummaging through the cabinet above the stove.

"Not from you," I replied harshly, sitting on the wooden stool on the other side of the kitchen.

I jumped when he suddenly slammed the cabinet door, turning to face me. He marched other to where I was, in a very intimidating way. Causing me to jump off the stool and flinched away from him, thinking he was going to hit me.

I slowly opened my eyes when the blow didn't come. His face was mixed with emotions, though the most noticeable one was anger.

"Did you really think I was going to hurt you?" He asked, exasperated.

I avoided his eyes, "I wouldn't put it pass you." Why couldn't I just shut the fuck up?

He clenched his fist, causing me to involuntary take a step back and put my hands in front of me.

"Stop giving me this shit, I'm not the one who killed your aunt," he was very close to yelling, gritting his teeth to keep himself from doing so.

"No of course not," I started sarcastically. "You only stalk me for who knows how long, hold a knife to my throat, and you certainly didn't seem to mind when your brother slit her neck--not to mention you basically forced yourself on--!"

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