Cave 2

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Before I tried to go in I  looked down, dad said never look down, wish I hadn't, it made my stomach  go funny and my legs go weak

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Before I tried to go in I looked down, dad said never look down, wish I hadn't, it made my stomach go funny and my legs go weak. Anyways,  I hung onto the rocks around the cave, it was like a slash in the rock and fairly easy to grab a hold of, and I soon stopped looking down. I thought about my stuff I'd left down in the canyon where I'd camped, dad always let me camp on my own even if this time he didn't know as we'd had a fallin' out; I liked the freedom and he said it made me tougher, but now I was worried how I'd get back down to get my stuff an' all an' dad 'd be madder than mad. I had hidden the expensive stuff, dad's camera an' that on the canyon floor, up a gully behind a stubby dead tree that grow'd there, but my tent was still up some ways off, so I was a bit worried. Then what if I couldn't get down? So anyways I put out of my mind that I was just visitin' 'cause Stephen, my friend, he's Angie's brother down our neighborhood, told me about some strange goin's on, lights an all, and he said it was aliens, and I said, no I didn't believe in them 'cause my dad said it was unlikely that if they even existed they probably wouldn't be here anyways, but I want to check any how, so that's why I was stuck half way up a mountain and it was real hot and it looked cool inside so then I started to see if I could get out the sun for a while and I felt around the edges and looked but it was too dark to see so I just started twist'n and pushin' and I managed to get out the sun and it was nice an cool, but I was stuck just inside when I pulled myself up and managed to clear my butt which was stuck and then I kinda fell over sideways thro' a hole, but still stuck between the rocks, only now it was real dark in from the entrance, I had to go on , so I twisted some more and managed to get my head through a tight bit by turnin' it sideways, but all the time I was goin' deeper an' deeper and then I must 'ave gone round a corner or somethin' 'cause I could no longer see the light where I'd come in, then it seemed very dark. Can I have a drink of water, I'm thirsty? [DA: water given, interview continued after 5 minutes].

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