The New Allstar

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I get to school and see Johanna standing at the door waiting for me. "I'm sorry for your loss" she said with sympathy. I asked her if she was the secret present sender and she said no. I looked around all I saw was Haley and her team glaring at me. I know they've been jealous of me sense the beginning of high school. They've asked me to be on they're team every year and if they ask me again I think I'll except because it'll be something to keep my mind off of mom.

I look around some more and see some guy shoving little pieces of paper in my locker. I know its him: The secret present sender. I run to catch up to him but as soon as I'm almost there he runs to, only away from me. I open my locker and all the papers fall out I read all of them and they all tie up. He wants me to go on a date with him tomorrow at 7 pm at Crusty Crabs Pizza. I also see another note that is not from him... it's from Haley of course saying, will you be on our basketball team? I think about it for awhile and write in big letters YES. I shove it in her locker as the bell rings, and everyone runs to class.

I get called on to answer a math question "September, will you answer the question 6x(2)+3(6)?" my teacher asked, "Yes it's 12x+18." "Thank you" she exclaimed. No more questions I thought. I want to go to the gym and play basketball and that's all I want to do. No more dilly dally dinkin just want to go play basketball. The bell rings and everyone flows out of the room like a herd of elephants. I walk to my locker when I feel a tap on my shoulder, it was Haley. "So you've finally decided to join our team and be one of the cool kids huh?" she asked, "not to be one of the cool kids," I said "just to play basketball."

It's Mrs. Plum's class again. "September glad to see you back!" she beamed "ya good to be back, I guess" I replied. "Ok class so we are going to do the same thing as yesterday," she blurted out "everyone and I mean everyone is playing!" "Got it?" she asked like she always does, again the class said in unison "Got it!" We started with foul shots again although I was first this time, then Johanna and then Haley, and of course the rest of the class. We started and I made it in every time like I always do. "Ok now we'll play two ball poison," she hollered. Ahh two ball I thought it's good to get a break of basketball, and foul shoots, and three pointers. Two ball is where all of us get to have fun with each other.

Haley said I should go first then she can go second. That meant I got to pick the spot. I picked three pointers just to have a little fun. Of course I made it and then made it again and again and again until it got to the last two people me and Haley. Everyone says Haley is the best at basketball, and if I can beat her I can prove that nobodies can be somebodies. So I shot and made it (again) and Haley missed I went back and made it again. Haley was out. I got the "all star" player out. Everyone gasped and acted shocked cause they have never seen me play basketball before. I beat Haley. I beat Haley. I beat Haley. I keep saying in my mind.

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