Chapter 5

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I woke up feeling fresh and ready to go. I looked at my clock that said it was 6 o clock, I forgot it was Saturday. I went back to bed until 10. I woke up and my dad wasn't home probably at work or something then it hit me today was the high school basketball game. I called my dad and he said he took the secretary to the game instead of me because I had this wonderful date. He made me feel selfish very selfish. I yelled back "Well I'm sorry I have a wonderful date you can't say anything either cause your dating the secretary behind my back!" I hung up the phone and went back to bed until I heard a knock at the door.

I look out the window it was Ryker. I wasn't even in my clothes have I really slept this long! I hurry and get dressed. I run out the door and run right into Ryker. Well good first impression huh? "Hey," he said. I looked at the blonde clean cut hair, and the blue eyes, and the very fit body. I couldn't stop staring at him I thought this is the perfect guy. "Are you ok?" he asked. "Oh ya that fall just kinda took my breath away," I lied. "Well lets go then," he said.

We got to the pizza place and ordered. "I'll have a salad," I said trying to make a better impression than the first one. "I'll have a salad, too," he said probably trying to do the same thing as me. We ate in silence. We started driving home and we made a wrong turn. "My house was that way," I said pointing the direction my house was, "Oh sorry now we'll have to drive together longer." Typical guy wanting to spend more time with his girl. His girl I was actually his.

As we pulled into the driveway he asked "That was really fun, can we do it again sometime?" "Yes I'd love that," I said.

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