Stop Daydreaming

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I woke up for school in Ryker's arms. "Hey beautiful," Ryker said, "Hi, lets sleep in I don't want to go to school," I can't believe that just came out of my mouth! That would mean I would miss school and PE I have to practice! "Ok, lets do it," he said "I'm sorry I just remembered I have to I...," think September think "I...have a test today and I can't miss it." I cant let him know I would choose basketball over him...I wouldn't I just need to go practice. "Ok then I'll go with you," he said "Ok thanks," " No prob." It's nice to have a boyfriend who would love me enough to go to school with me when he didn't want to.

We walked in school hand in hand. Everyone stared and wouldn't stop I wanted to say stop looking at me you freaks but I didn't. I just smiled and held Ryker's hand. We got to our separate classes and he planted a soft kiss on my forehead and said "Love you babe see you next period," "Ok see you, love you too!"

I was in science and all I really heard the teacher say was blah blah blah. All I could think about was basketball, and Ryker, and how my dad is so pissed off at me. What has made him so made lately? He should be happy he's getting married to Amanda soon. Hopefully he's not this grumpy when he's with her. "September what do you think?" I woke up from my daydream :(. "I'm sorry what did you say?" "What do you think about global warming?" "Ummm that's it's bad of course and I hope the whole Earth doesn't drown." The whole class laughed. "Ok September I'll see you after class," "Ok Mr. Steinberg," great now I have to listen to an old boring teacher when I could be seeing Ryker....GREAT.

"So September are you okay you've been acting strange lately," "Oh ya Mr. Steinberg I'm fine I promise...well have to go to Mrs. Plum's class thanks for the pep talk!" "O.....k.... see you too." Teachers act so strange ALL the time... I hate it!

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