Home School

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It has been a couple of weeks since Ian had taken me to the doctor, each day was like torture because we would give each other this "i wanna talk" look but neither one of us had the guts to make the first move. Right now my baby bump is the size of a mini watermelon that I could easily conceal with loose clothing or an oversize hoodie. Thankfully I managed to dodge the morning sickness and the crankiness. I only feel very hungry, tired and sad. 

Everyday when I'm home with Sarah it makes me happy in someways that I have someone always there to enjoy the pregnancy with me but it hurts like hell also because I always try to text or call Ian and he always seems to ignore me. I always text him updates on my pregnancy, ultrasound pics and also pics of what the nursery is going to look like it kills me inside each day to see that he missing out on so much of the twins growth.

"Hey sexy mama" I chuckled flicking away the stray tears that escaped. "Hey Sarah"

"I brought some chinese and maybe we could watch a few movies and kick back a bit"

"That actually sounds really good"

I wasnt really paying any attention to her at this point i was to focused on my phone hoping for some miracle that Ian would text me back. "Hey uhm I have something to tell you about ian" 

I swallowed the hard lump that formed in my throat and nodded i sat down on ym bed fearing this was going to be intense.

"So his wife came by today to drop off custody and divorce papers. I know this because I was ease dropping by  the door when they were talking. His wife is leaving him and Ian broke he was crying and saying how much he loves her and the kids and how much he wants them back and youwere a mistake that can be fixed and that he wont lose his family over this. So long story short, they teared up the papers Ian and his wife left and while i was heading over here I saw him and her at a wedding chapel, maybe they are going to ger remarried or something"

I swept back the baby hairs that became stuck to my head from the sweat that build up on it. I couldnt process that to well but instead of fighting him I just pulled open my desk draw and grabbed some paperwork out, quickly signing away at them. 

"can you give this to my driver and tell him to fax these immediately"

"what are they?"

"Discharge papers and home schooling papers and a restraining order"

Sarah didnt ask anything further she shut her lips and did what was asked. 

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