Chapter 7

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Song without a name-Johnnie Guilbert

The next day at school I was walking to my locker with Abi when I see Jake. As soon as I see him I imagine him wearing a red mask and black hoodie.

I shiver at the thought. What is with this guy? Following me around, watching me, scaring me. He wasn't going to get away with this. I wouldn't let him.

I start to walk up to him, when Cassandra beats me to it. She instantly wraps her arms around his neck and starts kissing him. I stop dead in my tracks. Watching them for only a few seconds before I turn around and walk back to Abigail.

"What were you doing?" Abi asks.

"I know it was him last night. I just know it. So I wanted to say something, let him know that I wasn't fooled." I answer.

Abi gives me a long stare, but slowly she nods "okay" she agrees simply, though I could tell that she didn't actually agree with me, she just didn't want to argue on the matter.

The bell rings and we go off to class.


As I'm walking to my English class, I feel somebody grab onto my shoulder, adrenaline rushes through me as I remember what had happened last night, I spin around ready to punch whoever it is straight in the face, finally feeling able to defend myself. But when I turn around, I see a kind smile light up a very cute face.


Brandon is the most popular guy in school. He's the football quarterback, six feet tall and straight up hot.

He has spiked dirty blonde hair, and big beautiful brown eyes, plus his gorgeous 1000 watt smile. His teeth are so purely white that when he smiles, I swear it practically lights up the entire room.

"Hey, Bethany." An unexplainable chill runs down my back, I push it off as shock and excitement.

He knows my name?

"Hi Brandon, what's up?" I reply, feigning casualness despite the fact that he never speaks to me.

"Well I was just wondering if you'd like to go to the Prom with me?" He asks, a shy smile appearing on his lips.

Was he serious? Was he really asking me to prom?

"Uh, I'll have to think about it" I say bluntly, unsure whether I even want to go to prom, and besides, if I do, I might want to go with whoever this prom proposal extremist is.

His smile falters just a tad, but he quickly covers it up with a cough, "okay sure, just uh, let me know"

"Will do" I say awkwardly before turning around and waking into class.

I get in my seat and quickly pull out my phone to text Abigail.

"OMG Abi you'll never guess who just asked me to prom" I text.

Her reply pops up in mere seconds.

Mr. Ampler walks in and sits down as he does attendance.

He doesn't allow phones in his room so I do my best at sneaking.

I watch him until he looks at his computer, then I quickly look down and read the text

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