Chapter 35

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Yes that is my real, actual eyeball, no it is not my real make up or eyelashes, but it is my eyeball 😂 👆🏻

Dark Enough-Amanda Lopiccolo

Jake brings me down a long hallway and then down a dark stairway, I'm so sure I'm going to get murdered, I mean that's what always happens on the movie. The girl dumbly follows the killer not knowing he's the killer (pretend I don't know) and he acts like he's happy to see her and they're just doing a little project, everyone is screaming at the girl in the screen "don't go down there!" But the girls in scary movies are about as bright as shadows. The girl walks down the long creepy stairs into the basement and the killer locks the door behind her "why would you lock the door?" The girl would stupidly ask "oh I just don't want anybody disturbing us" the killer would say because he can't come up with anything better even though he's been planning this murder for a long time. The girl dumbly nods not realizing that he's going to kill her...until it's too late! Anyways, as it turns out my scary death isn't going to happen that way, because it's true that even though I'm so sure he's going to kill me, for some reason, I kind of want to follow him (I'm not suicidal don't ask), but he brings me into a totally not creepy, well lit basement that looks like any other living room.

"Mr Ampler lent me his lie detecter test, its on the table over there" Jake says pointing to it, I look at where he's pointing to see it set up on the table just like he said. "W-we're supposed to record this aren't we?" I ask stuttering slightly. Jake nods and pulls out a camera which he sets down on a small coffee table close to the lie detecter.

I sit down gulping, I can feel myself sweating with nervousness. Jake hooks up the cords and all that weird stuff to me and sits down on the seat across from me.

He looks down at the lie detecter and messes with some stuff, I have no idea what he's doing so excuse me for not explaining it. "Alright, I'm going to start by asking obvious questions so that we can see what the truth looks like, be as honest as possible" he says, thankfully his normal voice is back and that creepy weird one he's been having is gone. I nod in understanding though I'm barely paying attention to what he said. "Is your name Bethany Hibbler?" He asks first. I nod my head yes "please answer with words" Jake asks. It's so strange how formal he sounds, I'm not used to this Jake, or Slyder. "Yes" I state relaxing just slightly.

Jake nods and writes something down "are you seventeen years old?" He asks "yes" I reply. This wasn't so bad "what's your favorite color?" He asks "blue" I don't even hesitate. Jake-er Slyder wiggles his eyebrows at me, and I roll my eyes "Not the same color as your eyes" I say. He looks down at his lie detecter as the metal thingy moves up and down fast. Jake laughs lightly "sure" I feel myself blush. Stupid lie detecter test.

"Who's your best friend?" Jake asks "Abigail" I answer and Jake nods "alright now let's get started" my eyes widen at his words "what are you talking 'let's get started'? We already got started! I've answered four of your questions!" I exclaim "those were just testing the lie detecter" Jake says in a 'duh' tone "you are so annoying!" I growl, Jake looks down at the test to see it going in a straight line.

He writes something down "now, first question-" he starts to say "I already answered your first question!" I yell back, he ignores me as he continues talking "what's your biggest fear?" He asks "spiders" I lie, the stupid lie detecter detects my lies and starts moving up and down fast "traitor" I growl under my breath at it "again, biggest fear?" He asks and I gulp. Of course Slyder would want to know this, this is going to help him torture me, I can't say my actual biggest fear. "You" I say. No that's not my biggest fear, maybe because I fear Slyder strongly, or maybe because the lie detecter felt bad for being a trainer earlier, but the line stays straight.

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