Chapter 19

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I Believe in a Thing Called Love-The Darkness

As soon as my mom sees me the next morning a loud gasp comes out of her mouth "what on earth happened to your nose?!" She screeches, actually hurting my ears. "Woah mom, calm down" I yawn still in sleep mode from just waking up a few minutes ago. "Don't tell me to calm down when you walk in here looking like that!" She exclaims gesturing to my nose.
"Now you better tell me what happened right now!" She demands.

"I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and smacked into a door, that's all, but I'm okay, it looks more painful than it actually is I swear" I reassure her.

She steps forward and wraps me into a hug "oh honey, are you sure you're okay? Would you like to see a doctor? Or stay home from school? Or both?" She asks, holding me at arms length as she watches me, waiting for a response. I shake my head "no mom it's fine, really it is" I assure her. She looks at me for a moment longer before nodding "alright, but you call me at any time if you want me to come and get you okay?" She offers "okay" I agree and give her a kiss on the cheek before turning around and racing upstairs where I pull on a pair of jeans and a long, 21 pilots hoodie on, I know, no strange clothes today, but I just wasn't in the mood.

I walk over to my mirror and study my nose. The bruising hadn't gone down at all, I lightly touch it and instantly jerke my hand away when a shot of extreme pain shoots through my nose.

I actually feel tears well up in my eyes from that simple touch. I realize there is no way I could even put foundation on here to try to cover it up.

Disappointed, I step outside and get in my car, driving off to Abigail's house.

When we get to school, as soon as I step out of my car people are whispering and pointing.

I read the minds of the people around me.

Omg! What on earth happened to her?!

Woah looks like she got hit by superman

What is everybody pointing at?

Did she get into a fight?

I bet her parents are abusive.

Wait, is this new gossip? Was there a fight I didn't know about? I need to go talk to Ally.

It looks like she stopped a train with her nose, then fell face forward into concrete, then got a hammer and smashed her nose, then put some make up on it to make it look worse.

Gee, how kind. I think sarcastically.

As I walk through the halls some people try to come up and ask what on earth happens to my face but Abigail gives them the death stare and tells them that unless they want to look like this all over they had better walk away, and of course everybody listened.

When we finally make it to my locker I feel like school should be over, I've already had enough of this and I hadn't even been to my first class.

Abigail asks if I'm alright by myself while she goes to the bathroom to check her make up real quick, I of course tell her I'll be fine and she leaves promising she'll be back in five minutes tops.

When she leaves I open my locker and inspect my nose closely in my locker mirror. It's absolutely hideous. It looks even worse than yesterday, it's twice as swollen and the bruises are an even darker shade of blue and black. How on earth did my nose look like this? All I did was hit into a door, it's not like I was walking 100 miles an hour or anything, it was just normal walking.

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