Chapter 39

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I wrote that little rhyme up there myself, couldn't help but smile when I was finished hehe.

I wake up-i have no idea how much later-to see I'm in an old, junky room. There's no windows, no closet, no dresser, nothing, only the bed I lay on, and a small, bronze toilet-that has definitely seen better days-. The room is unfamiliar, I've never seen it before in my life. I look down at my arm to see it's completely fine, strange. I get out of the bed (thankfully my head doesn't hurt this time) and look around. There's nobody in the room besides me. "Hello?" I call out "Jake? Are you here? I'm awake" I yell, there's no reply. What am I doing here? Where's Jake? Where am I? What happened to me? Did I imagine that whole thing in Jake's house? Am I dead? Finally I decide I can't stay in this room all alone any longer. I walk over to the simple metal door and knock on it just in case it's a bathroom and Jake is using it or something. Knock knock knock "is anybody in here?" No answer. I slowly turn the knob and open the door closing my eyes "if you're in here Jake, say something" I say and wait but not a word is said. I cautiously open my eyes to see a long, dimly lit hallway with a large green door at the end. "Hello?" I call out, waiting for the killer to tell me he's in the kitchen making a sandwich. My voice echoes lightly down the hall. I feel chills arise on my arms and a shiver run down my spine, suddenly getting a creeped out feeling. I slowly tip toe down the hallway, jerking my head around In every direction, half expecting the boogie monster to pop out of the walls.

When I get to the extra large, heavy duty door, I stand there staring at it for a while, scared of what may be on the other side. I take a deep breath and pull the-very heavy-door open. It's a room. A plain, well lit room, with nothing but a body size mirror set against the wall. I step inside and shut the door behind me. I quickly glance around to see that nobody is here. I walk up to the mirror and instantly my eyes widen, I know this mirror, it's my mirror. I run my hand over the royal blue framed body mirror with the black lace. There's even Abigail's lipstick stain on the edge of the mirror. I feel my whole body grow goosebumps.

I take a step back and look at myself, gasping at the sight I see. My eyes have dark circles beneath them, my cheeks are stained with tears, my lips are chapped, my eyes are bright red where they should be white, and my hair is stuck in a low ponytail but most of my hair is sticking out wildly, but that's not even the part I gasped about, my outfit is. I'm wearing a black jumpsuit with strange markings that glow a aqua blue. I lean closer to get a better look at the markings, they look so familiar yet nothing like I've ever seen before. I glance down at my clothes, but I don't see the markings anymore, only a plain black jumpsuit. Confused I look back into the mirror to see the markings again. I feel fear course through me as I back away. What is going on? I look back down at my clothes and grab onto the bottom of my shirt, pulling it forward so that I can see the whole thing, but there's nothing there. Am I hallucinating?

I look back up at the mirror once again but this time I see a deep, dark woods reflecting back. What the? I step forward trying to get a better look. Inside the mirror, there's a dark gloomy woods with trees covering every single part. In captivated by the image, I reach forward with my hand, and touch one of the very large trees, but instead of feeling hard glass against my finger, instead it goes right through it, making a rippling, swamp-like look, I push my hand farther and in my arm goes, as if this were some type of portal. Scared, I'm about to pull away when suddenly the walls around me and the mirror itself disappears, and in its place is the woods I was just looking at.

My eyes widen in fear as I turn in a full circle, seeing that I'm surrounded by humongous, dark trees. These woods aren't just like any other woods. The trees are four times the size of any tree I've ever seen before, it's dark, like almost pitch black yet you can see everything clearly because if this strange, green glow, and I swear I keep hearing footsteps, and voices, and the cracking of twigs. "Princess" I hear a quiet voice whisper from my right. I spin around "Jake?" I say relief pouring through me, but I soon realize it wasn't Jake's voice, it was nobody's voice, there's nobody next to me. "Babe" a deep voice whispers from my left "Brandon?" I say turning to my left, once again nobody's there. "Honey" a woman's voice whispers from behind me "mom?" I say praying hard that this time, it will actually be my mom, nobody's there. I feel a shiver run down my spine as my heart starts thumping hard in my chest with fear "bestie Bethy!" A voice whispers next to me, but when I look, nobody is there. Fear is taking over every ounce of me, my entire body is shaking, and my heart is beating so hard it physically hurts. Screw everything I said about fear, there is no way in hell i'm going to deny feelings fear right now, I have so much fear at the moment, I'm worse than Chuckie from Rugrats, and Piglet from Winnie the Pooh combined. Make it stop, make it stop, make it stop. I repeat over and over in my head. RUN. It's one single word that pops into my head, the thing is, it's not my voice, it's Jake's. Maybe I shouldn't trust this, especially since it's only a voice inside my head and I've been hearing many voices all around me in these creepy woods, but I don't feel like I have much choice, so I obey. I make a run for it as fast as I can. I have no idea where I'm going, where any of this woods leads, if there's even anything to be running towards or away from, I don't know anything, all I know is Jake told me to run, so I'm running. These woods are so thick I can't even see any moonlight shining through, it's dark, there's trees covering almost every part of these woods, and I'm pretty sure I just saw a dark shadow run beside me, but when I looked, there was nothing there. I feel like crying, but that'll only slow me down. I don't take any turns because I'm scared I'll run into whatever is following me. I hear whispers beside me as I'm running, it's simple sentences or nicknames I've heard throughout my life. I'm running out of breath, I've been running for I don't even know how long without any moonlight, breaks, water, anything, just full on running, and now it's finally catching up because not only is my heart beating so hard I feel like it's going to break the veins connected to it, but my breath isn't even coming anymore, and my legs are aching. I see something move beside me, when I look over, I lose my balance and fall face forward onto the leaf covered ground. My face scratches hard against a branch as I was falling. It stings. "Look behind you" I hear being whispered from above me. I'm scared, so scared of what I'm supposed to look at, but oh so slowly, I turn around onto my back and look up, to see a man smiling down at me, and not in a friendly way.


Hey what's up you guys? Yes, this is another wild chapter.

If anybody can guess who I am being like in that sentence above, I will give a shoutout to them in my next chapter. I know not much of a reward, but I don't have anything to give lol sorry.

Anyhoodle, I had so much fun writing this. Once again it was in the middle of the night so of course my insane creative juices were flowing up in my brain. I really love this one and I hope you do too!

That'd be awesome if you'd leave your thoughts on this chapter in the comments. I like to hear what you guys think about each chapter and twist because it helps me write a book that you guys like, you know? I want to write according to your guys's response to certain things, so tell me what you think!

Please comment, read, vote, and promote!!!

Blue Eyes (A Paranormal Romance)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora