Chapter 57

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Fight Song-Rachel Platten

Adelram finally left with Abigail, and now I'm here in the dead of night, alone. My body uncontrollably shivering despite the humid air that surrounded me.

Adelram's gone and now I'm left to kill Slyder alone.

My heart is racing actively, my hands shaking worse than ever. I'm trying to stay strong and stoic, but I can't help the fear trickling down every part of my body. Anxiety overwhelming my mind. He'll be here any minute.

I can do this, I know I can. I've been training and strengthening my powers, if I just let go of my fears, I know that I can do this. I told myself, trying to be strong, trying to believe the words I told Adelram, the words he had told me.

I sit down on the grass and close my eyes, resting my head in my hands, I can feel the humidity rising from the ground beneath me. I take a deep shaky breath and force my mind to go over everything Slyder has done to me.

Slyder shifted into Brandon.

Tricked me into dating him.

He made me fear ever going to the library again.

Slyder made me fear my own bedroom. My room used to be my sanctuary and he took that from me. He put fear in my mind and every night I was scared and nervous of being in my room alone, being anywhere alone.

Slyder threatened to murder my mother in front of my eyes.

He kidnapped my best friend. Then convinced me to hurt her.

Slyder made me cry more in just the past month or so than I've cried in my whole lifetime.

And he made me hate life.

Slyder put so much fear in me that I couldn't even be anywhere without doing a safety check around the room.

Slyder caused the guy I love to convince me he was Slyder so that I would spend days hating him.

Slyder shape shifted into Abigail and flirted with Adelram and pretended to be my friend.

Slyder tortured and beat my best friend.

He shifted into Adelram and made me hallucinate Abigail and convinced me that he was my real friends.

Slyder destroyed my life, and for what reason? Because he's scared of me. Because I am potentially powerful. Because one day I could kill him.

By now my blood is boiling. All the fear that I had been feeling had completely flowed from my body, and the only thing left was pure anger and hatred. It fumed within me just waiting to come out.

Slyder made my life a living hell, and it's about time I take it back and get my revenge.

As if on cue, I hear the sound of rocks crunching in front of me. I pop open my eyes and pull my hands away, looking up to see the red masked guy walking towards me. His movement slow and calm, as if he's in no hurry at all, but instead confident and almost mocking. A movement that I once feared but now makes me livid.

I slowly stand up, clinching my fists at my sides. "Why hide behind the mask? Are you ever going to show me the real you?" I question, taking a step towards him, mentally planning my moves.

Blue Eyes (A Paranormal Romance)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant