Chapter 49

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Terrible Things-Mayday Parade

The next two days were so incredibly awkward. For most of the time I honestly wished that the floor beneath me would swallow me whole just so I wouldn't have to stay in the absolutely awkward situations I kept getting in.

Nothing significant happened throughout the two days, me and Adelram avoided each other at all costs which turned out to be a lot easier than I had first assumed. We wouldn't even look each other in the eyes. The most we spoke to each other was when Adelram asked me if I was ready to go to Mr Komachi.

Mr Komachi taught me to strengthen my telekinesis. I am now able to move an entire car with just my mind. He said that soon I'll be able to move multiple things at once, which I personally cannot wait to happen.

Today I begin a new technique he said, I'm excited to see what that is.

There's a small knock on the door "yeah?" I call out distractedly as I try to focus on moving a pair of shoes. One easily lifts into the air while the other stays on the floor wobbling continuously. "Ready?" Adelram's voice asks from the other side. "Yeah" I state simply. One word, that all we've been speaking to each other with.

I know that it's the right thing to do, to keep my distance, but I can't help the ache I have to grow closer to him, the cravings I have to kiss those soft lips of his, the need for a conversation with him, but I keep my cool, I keep my distance, and I ignore these wants of mine for the sake of being a good friend.

I slip my feet into a pair of gray tennis shoes and open the door to find Adelram standing there awkwardly, clearly unsure of how to say what he wants to say. "Look Princess-" he begins as I look to the floor, averting eye contact. I quickly interrupt him knowing that if I hear what he's going to say, that if I allow him to talk, I'm just going to give in, that's how weak I am when it comes to him, I'll go back to talking to him and that will only lead to the very thing I'm trying to avoid.

"Look Adelram, what happened the other day, it was a slip up, a mistake, what happened never should have happened. I'm really sorry it did but I think you should just try to forget about it, the sooner the better okay?" I ask forcing my eyes to look up from the carpeted floor and into his electric blue eyes.

A look of hurt molds his expression, but he quickly covers it up with a blank look. "Right, you're right. So you ready to go then?" He asks. I wordlessly nod my head as we walk in silence to his car, me walking slightly behind him.

The thing about this silence is, it's uncomfortable, never before has Adelram's and I's silence been so tense and strange, never before the kiss I mean. I've become used to these uncomfortable awkwardness that I'm constantly going through while I'm with him.

The drive to Mr Komachi takes forever. Even with the music playing, there's still an obvious thick silence growing between us. I twiddle my thumbs nervously to distract myself from the uncomfortable silence. I say silence even though the music blaring is anything but. It's like no matter what I do to try to fix the awkwardness, it only seems to grow stronger, I fear deeply that things will never go back to the way they were between us, even if that is probably a good thing, my heart doesn't seem to agree. Adelram and I had a weird relationship, one that I secretly cherished, but now, now it's like we're total strangers, awkward, quiet strangers at that.

When we finally get there I can't get out of the car fast enough. I quickly walk to Mr Komachi's door to avoid anymore awkward silent walks with Adelram.

Mr Komachi is already waiting for me outside. He does a slight bow and I give one back. "We should begin our lesson immediately. There's much to learn and not much time" He states, his voice grievous and serious. I feel my brows furrow as a sudden uneasiness surrounds me.

Blue Eyes (A Paranormal Romance)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora