Chapter 16

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Okay this was weird. Really, really weird. My mom was still at work so getting him inside was no problem. We silently walked upstairs to my bedroom. As soon as we are inside I hear Jake snort. I look over at him as his eyes scan my bedroom.

My walls were covered with posters of my favorite dancers, my bed was a double with a memory foam topper and a humongous comforter that had a billion dancing quotes on it. Other than that my room was just like anybody else's, dark wooden floors, a brown dresser, a closet, you know, the usual stuff. "What's so funny?" I ask accusingly as I fold my arms.

He looks over a me, a smirk still playing on his lips. "Nothing, I just expected to see some posters of me" he answered before confidently striding into the bathroom and shutting the door behind him.


I walk into my closet and grab a blanket and an extra pillow, I don't bother setting his little bed on the floor up as I throw the blanket and pillow onto the floor next to my bed.

I look down at my clothes, I should probably change, I realize, just then I hear the sound of my shower being turned on. Wait, what? He was going to take a shower? Now? I swear this boy is too much for me to handle.

A few minutes later Jake walks out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, and his hair wet and sticking up in different directions.

My eyes immediately finding their way to his abs , they were that perfect amount of tan, each of his eight well defined abs were placed perfectly in a long line down his stomach, I tried to look away but it seemed as though my eyes wouldn't move.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" Jake's voice brought me out of my trance, I actually shook my head a little to make all of those thoughts I had moments earlier shake out of my mind.

I roll my eyes at him "right, like I'd want a picture of you" I retort sarcastically.

Jake takes a step closer to me and grabs me around the waist, pulling me closer to him. Somehow he still smelled like orange and peppermint. How was that even possible? He just took a shower and I had nothing with orange or peppermint in there. "I'm sure you want a whole lot more than just a picture" he asserts with a smirk.

I open my mouth to snap out a sassy comeback, but my voice gets caught in my throat as I look down at his soft, pink lips without meaning to. His perfect, soft, full lips were formed into a sexy smirk. My mind starts to wonder what it would be like to kiss those lips of his, I know I should stop these thoughts, but I'm not really sure how.

"What are you thinking about Princess?" I watch the way Jake's lips move when he says those words. I quickly look away from his lips and into his electric blue eyes. Suddenly I realize just how close we really are, our bodies are so close you could barely fit a magazine in between, and our faces were so close our noses were touching. "I-" before I can finish my sentence I hear the front door open.

Oh no my mom was home.

Just like that I gain my confidence and control back and shove Jake forward "hurry up and get into the closet!" I whisper yell at Jake "what-" I interrupt him by shoving him into my closet and shutting the door just as my bedroom door opens.

I spin around and put on my best casual look "hey mom" I greet with a cheesy smile that tried to hard to be innocent. "Hey honey I-" her sentence stops when she sees the pillow and blanket on the floor "is somebody staying here that I don't know about?" My mom asks. "Well I made that when I thought that Abi was spending the night, but she had to cancel last minute. I just hadn't put it up yet." I lie.

My mom doesn't even hesitate, she just automatically believed me, that's the kind of trusting relationship we have, it made me feel even more guilty, I almost never ever lie to my mom, but I made a promise and I had to keep my word right? This is just stuff I told myself to make myself feel better. "Well I'm going to go to bed mom, night" I say, walking up to her and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

She said I love you and walked out of the room, when I heard her bedroom door click shut, I quietly shut my door and walked over to my closet opening the door. "Coast is clear" I whisper quietly to Jake as he steps out of my closet and into my bedroom "only whispers from now on" I whisper to him.

He nods and walks over to the blanket and pillow on the floor "is this really the best you could do for your guest of honor?" He whispers, giving the blanket and pillow a disapproving look. I roll my eyes at him "first of all, what did you expect? A king size bed  and a memory foam pillow? And second of all, guest of honor my as-" before I can finish his finger is pressed against my lips "whispers remember?" He reminds me quietly, a small grin playing on his lips.

My gulp comes out louder than I expected "right" I mumble against his finger. He slowly moves his finger away from my mouth, but for some reason I kind of wish he didn't, his eyes never leave mine. "Princess?" He whispers "yeah?" I reply shakily "can I ask you a question?" He asks "you just did" I retort hating myself for using the old comeback.

He ignores this as he continues staring into my eyes, I nod in answer. "Why have you kept it a secret?" He asks.

My breath hitches at the questions, my heart starts beating erratically, even more erratically I mean. He couldn't mean it it could he? "What? What do you mean?" I ask, my eyes wide with fear. He couldn't know, that's not possible.

There's no possible way he knew...right? He suddenly shakes his head and backs away from me, breaking eye contact. "Oh uh, n-never mind" he mumbles before turning around, walking into the bathroom, he comes back out a few minutes later wearing a plain white Tshirt and my sweatpants that are too big on me? "I saw these in the closet, I only have jeans" he says not even asking if it's okay. I hadn't noticed him carrying them earlier. Without another word He lays underneath his blanket on the floor closing his eyes. He clearly didn't want to talk any more.

I thought about questioning him further on what he meant earlier, but decided against it, he wasn't going to tell me anything anyways. I turn off the light and get into bed, though I don't fall asleep for a very long time.


Again a pretty short chapter but I've really never been good at long chapters please forgive me.

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