Chapter 3

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"Please Sam, don't hurt them."
I cried, my 6 year old self kneeling on the dirt road on the outskirts of the Territory's forrest near no mans land.

My parents kneeled before me their worried glances gone when they saw my tears and their face turning into grief and anger. screaming and crying, begging that I would be let go, that I had no part in what ever he wanted to know.

They struggled against their restraints behind their backs looking at me to do the same but I knew it was no use. I had already tried. My wrists bleed from rubbing hardly across the tight rope.

"No! No ones going to be set free. now tell me about the prophecy. Kye, God of demons demands to know. now do as your future God commands tell me of the prophercy."Sam spoke.

He wasn't bull shitting. even though he was 8, he had still killed many people. Don't ask why because I still don't quite understand it myself mother said I was to young to understand.

"You will never become his second in command in the afterlife nor alpha for long in this life jet." My mothers eyes rolled into the back of her head speaking the words of his prophecy. Jet was his wolf.

My mother spoke with so much power in her voice the ground vibrated sending tiny pieces of dirt scurrying away.

Sam flinched but remained stubborn.

It continued like this many times

Him demanding and her refusing.

My mother and father are the packs prophets along with 10 others but when my mum woke up one morning screaming about a saviour who would save us all from the demon God Kye.

The rest I wasn't aloud to know because I was to young to know the details. But in actual fact i felt I knew a lot more than they hoped.

Time flashed forward like it does every night with Sam threatening multiple times for her to tell him the prophecy and her refusing.

It then stopped at the exact moment Sam stepped behind my father who store into my eyes with determination and spirit like he was giving all he had left to me. His mouth traced 3 words before Sam ran the sharp silver knife through his neck. Making my mother scream with rage.

"You know the prophecy! So why do you ask.?" Her voice as rough as sandpaper.

Her wolf was leaving her.

"Yes but what you have failed to tell me is who she is and where she is."

Walking over to my mother he pulled her hair back from the top of her head. she realised this was the end. I could tell, because as she spoke last words I could never forget.

Her voice held so much love.

"We love you so much honey no matter what remember that. Remember that." And she died taking my crumbled heart with her to join my father with the moon goddess.

I crawled over to my parents screaming over to their blood gushing bodies throwing up at the pain and sight.

Sam walked off throwing the knife deep into the Forrest leaving me with my now deceased parents as I shock them harshly screaming at them to wake up.

I woke from my dream in a pool of sweat gathered in the sheets of my bed.

It's been 4 years since that day at the lake when Sam supposedly tried to drown me. The big guy that came up to me ended up being one of the most powerful assassins in world and happened to have witnessed the hole thing go down. He took a fancy for me and trained me from there probably never expecting me to survive the training let alone end up so good that I killed the head assasin because he got to into my past.
And to believe that was only my first 7 months.

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