Chapter 19

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It was silent the rest of the walk home.

I had the grey wolf who, once I knocked out turned into a rather beautiful muscled man. He had silver hair along with bright blue eyes. I only knew this though because I pried his eyeball open.

Looking over my shoulder at Ryan who was just following me silently behind keeping a few meters distant. Me and my wolf are still mad he disobeyed my orders and he would be punished because we keep our word no matter what.

"Come on Ryan stop lagging behind."

I shouted over my free shoulder.

No answer came from him. I still couldn't help but still feel the adrenaline buzzing around my system edging me on.

When we reached my house max still wasn't back and I was happy about that. I didn't want to see him. Not with blood on me. Too many questions that he will demand to know. Yes, he may be my brother but my mind hasn't excepted it yet.

Sighing I strode inside the door way and walked into the kitchen dumping grey dude on the ground.

I looked up to see Ryan staring at me in the door way. Just plainly staring at me like he was in his own world trying to comprehend what happened less than 30minutes ago.

"I need you to wait outside Ryan." I said giving him no chance to decline. My look hard and cold not that he noticed his gaze remained on the floor never rising. He nodded his head wincing in pain from his dislocated shoulder which he supported and hobbled out of the kitchen.

I waited for the front door to close before opening the pantry and flipping the switch for the hidden entrance. grabbing the guys arm I began dragging him down the stairs not really caring if he was hitting his head on each step as we went down.

By rights of the assassin contract whatever prisoners are captured, can only be harmed and interrogated by the people who caught them. Unless they give permission for others to do so they can not touch them never the less touch a hair on their head.

And this rule by far was my favorite. It meant no one could touch my prey.

I went down to the second door which held the cells and took him inside.

There were 6 cells altogether and I chained him into the last one at the end of the room. Placing the silver cuffs on his wrists and ankles that connected up to the wall behind him. I walked over hung up the keys just out of arms reach.

Smiling about tonight I walked out and closed the trap door.

Using my water skills, I evaporated the blood and rinsed it with water to erase some of the smell. Before walking to the front door to deal with Ryan.

Heading out through the kitchen and into the living room I could hear mutated voices coming from outside.

"I'm sorry Ryan but now you know who she is I'm afraid your life ends here."

Max spoke outside the front door.

I could see a gun in his hand through the murky glass window being pointed at Ryan.

"Elliott, please. I just wanted to know what it meant if It meant you would have to kill me I wouldn't have asked!"

Ryan said pathetically begging for his life again. Eye roll. Hes gonna learn the hard way that to stop an assassin from killing its through brute force. Though that wont help much and the other is to inflict a large amount of shock to them like before when we were in the kitchen or the slight possibility of reason.

Jumping on my toes and shaking the top half of my body like a boxer I flung open the door with my right hand and sent out my left in a right hook to hit max in the jaw sending him stumbling back a few steps before turning his gaze to me.

what the fuck was that for? And just so you know that was the lamest hit someone has ever done. He spits on the ground in a half joking threatening manner.

Challenge accepted ass hat.

oh I thought that it was a pretty good shot for a super rushed blind hit.

I smiled when I spoke my eyes challenging because the punch I just threw was childs play.

I dont know that was weaker than Sams he laughed at himself but me on the other hand took the opposite road.

I snarled at him fully challenging him if he continues on that path.

care full max. or do you want to see what Im really capable of?

He shook his head no leading me back into a better mood with the next topic.

"Max. Why are you pointing a gun at my servant before I can even punish him myself?" I said cheekily looking him up and down as he did the same to me.

"It's Elliott to you J. I'm your brother! And what the fuck happened to you...?"

He yelled waving the gun at me.

Deciding I would just ignore his first two statements I answered his question a little confused.

"Shouldn't I be asking that? What are you doing to my servant? And as for your question I just had a weak work out."

At that I turned to Ryan who with wide eyes full of terror at our little interaction I said calmly.

"Come Ryan I'll show you to your room. Seems you'll be staying here from now on and on that note I still need to find a suitable punishment for your disobedience."

I turned on my heel completely sour from max who had the nerve to call me J.

But really, I think it was because my sole begged to catch a little of the hope and happiness that was once found in my brother when he called my name. Going up the stairs I could hear Ryan and max arguing about something but was to annoyed with myself to listen in.

Once I got to the room I wanted and stood in front I waited for Ryan who as slow as a tortoise to finally catch up to me.

"you'll be sleeping in here."

I said plainly.

Swinging my bedroom door wide open with a loud chorus of

"WHATs!" From both max and Ryan.

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