Chapter 39

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By the time we finally reached the strippers club it was about 10am and we were right on sceduel.

It was around an alley way where shady looking guys were all huddling around with nothing else to do but wait for the club to open.

As we began walking up I couldn't help but admire the beautiful (sarcasm) street art along the old mouldy building walls.

Mikayla Clung to my arms sleeve.

"Calm down Mikayla you need to act more natural. I promised you I wouldn't let anything hurt you didn't I?" I whispered.

She nodded letting me go and attempting to swallow her fear.

The sign above the club had a girl swinging from a pole in a red bra and underwear.

I knocked on the worn down red door.

Fake resumes in hand.

A guy with rustic strawberry blond hair opened the door yelling at some one in side before turning to us.

"I told you to Buggar off you dickheads how many times do i need to tell you we open at 3pm not at 10 in the fucking morning.." I slightly cough placing on my sweetest mask making me want to puke. Once this assignment was done I'm accepting Gorman jobs for a long while to come. And then I can unleash my true personality.

"Sorry I guess I'll just come back later for the job interview I called about half an hour ago?" I said turning around.

I had called him when we were still on the borders of the Forrest. Like I had planed he accepted the offer warmly and told me to come around any time.

He looked down at us with obvious shock.

"Oh sorry come in come in." He said his yellow eyes glueing down on both mine and Mikaylas bodies. Sending a shudder through her body. Making him smile greedily.

Once we were inside he lead us past the the main stage which held three poles one that extended in the middle closer to the crowed and the other two which backed it up from behind.

Chairs were scattered every where and booths lined the club house walls with red carpets and curtains you could drag across for custermer privacy if they wanted it.

The guy who I'm guessing is Nic is human from his disgustingly boring scent. It was pretty much as tasteless as the White of an egg.

He opened a door which had the sign office plasters above it and showed his hand, motioning us to go in and sit down.

Once seated he closed the door and sat down behind a rather small desk littered with penthouses and whips along with other implements and paper that crowded the room.

"So tell me about yourselves."

He said not taking his eyes of either of our chests.

Ergh gross.

I plastered on a smile and prettended I didn't notice. I'm going to kill this pervert before I leave. He's a danger to society.

"Well I'm from Heinz a few miles south of houndstooth." I said going off my resume.

"You mean the place thats notorious for Malin grind baked beans.?" He said

I nodded smiling
"That's the one."

He looked down at the resumes that I handed him and smiled.

"And this is your sister I presume. I must say you two look nothing alike!"

He looks over at Mikayla.

Who sits straight and looking at her nails like a total badass as if she doesn't care if she gets the job or not.

"Yes. Well half sisters if you know what I mean any who Miki and I recently moved because we needed a change of scenery."

He just nodded the dark room adding dark features to his old 40 year flaky skin.

Looking up he handed back the resumes.

"Well I don't mind hiring you girls but first if you wouldn't mind I need to give you a check over."

A glint in his old perverted eyes said it all.

He just wanted to feel us up.

"Sure thing." I said walking over to him.

"If you wouldn't mind i would much prefer if miki and I were the back stage pole dancers if at all possible. Mainly because we don't know much about the pole dancing. And because of my slight disadvantage."

He looks up to me puzzled.

"Yes Yes thats fine." He says

"Now take off your clothes." He slightly demanded.

I do as I am told stripping down to nothing and standing right in front of him completely bare.

The his eyes shot right up seeing the conflict of beauty and aggression on my skin. Not that I took much notice of him.

His hands came up and began to feel me all over. Across my back And down my chest feeling every mussel and curve on my body. Only all I could feel was pressure neither hot warm or cold

His Amber yellow eyes gleamed clearly enjoying my faked discomfort.

He nodded before turning to Mikayla indicating to do the same.

She shakily stood up and removed her clothes as he repeated the process only this time more greedily looking at her undamaged skin.

He nodded at us both before walking out of the from while we got dressed

When he came back in he was holding some ID cards with our names freshly printed on them.

"You start work at 3pm sharp you'll be the back stage pole dancers. Also if anyone asks you to do anything else you can say no but apart from that you can do what you like and keep the money you get from them as extra. Now if you don't mind I need to get ready."

With that he walked off disappearing into the depths of the club as we left.

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