Chapter 38

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Greys pov

When Jess was standing there in front of us just laughing I think his name was Elliott and I looked at one another.
We honestly thought she was going to kill me before I even had a chance to speak.

I was going to ask her about what she was going to say to Sam last night when a guy who smelt of smokes and beer came crashing through the front door looking like hell. His brown hair was messy and his face was screwed up lips Pursed up to resemble a cats bumhole.

He was walking up the stairs when he noticed we were all looking at him.

"What never seen a drunk guy before."
He said waving his hole arm trying to flick us all off when he accidently threw his shoe. That voice it's so familiar. But I don't know where I've herd it before. Where? Where have i herd it?

Jessica's pov.

"So, what did you need to say?" I asked completely forgetting Ryan's little scene. He's like a Thorne in my side.
The worst thing was I could still hear him flop down on my mattress and go to sleep but not before vomiting everywhere. Max across from me was still staring down the grey and black Nike shoe like it was about the jump up and bite his ass if he looked away.

"What is it?" I asked trying to prompt on grey who look lost in his own world.
I took this moment to take on his looks in the morning sun shine coming through the window.

His blue eyes continued to amaze me as they where now a vibrant sapphire blue wave with dark specks all through out them changing position as they moved around to look at me. I looked down at my plate of bacon and by my plate of bacon I mean the actual plate that Mikayla was putting the fresh cooked bacon on.

"I swear I've heard his voice before." He said confused.

I nod my head. Thanking the moon goddess he didn't notice me.

"He was there when I killed your pack members." I said plainly. He tensed up growling. My wolf sort of backed off a little. Weird she doesnt usually do that. Then again i don't really check a lot of people out let alone my now escaped prisoner sitting across from me.
Shaking it off I resume eating my bacon.

"Strange a few nights ago I could have sworn he came inside late and smelt of smoke and alcohol. But somethings different something that wasn't there before." Mikayla said sniffing the air.

Max and I looked at one another. Exchanging glances asking if he pretty much got anything off the tapes from school. And if it was similar to what she said. He nodded. Giving him the same look I nodded back.

I turned back to Mikayla and grey.

It really is strange that I don't want to kill this guy. The black speckled bench shined a red brown from the sun as I left the now empty plate and washed my hands.

"Thanks Miki that bacon was the bomb!" I said being over the top.
Any way.

"Look guys I'm heading off to school Miki you coming with me?" I asked she nodded." What's with the nick name?" I shrugged earning a smile from her pale
Lips and a shake from her blond hair.

"Alright I'll meet you by the bike in 25 minutes."

She nods before walking off.

A slight cough came from beside me.

Oh yeah.

"You..." I looked up at the roof "....Stay here." I said sternly to him, looking back down into his deep blues and getting a little lost before a cocky smirk appeared from him making me feel a little awkward. Ugh Usually I would just kill my captives. What was wrong with me?

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