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Jessica's pov

I gained consciousness about 2 minuets after they put me out. Knowing I needed to stay still, I pretended to be unconscious as a man carried my body over his taut muscular shoulder. He smelt like cigs with an odd dust basement tree smell and it was oddly familiar.

"Hey, we caught a couple of cuties this time. The boss is going to be miffed."

A man from the left of us said although I couldn't really get a good look at him through the silver hinted brown mesh bag that was placed over my head which only aloud blurred shapes through when in the sun.

"Yer we might even get a raise." The guy carrying me spoke letting awkward laughter fill the air.

"You know we could just keep one of them ourselves." Said the other his voice was sort of snake like if you took in his lisp.

"Hahaha. I knew you were dumb Wez but I mean come on the boss will kill us." Both men laughed at this.

When we came to a halt and the car doors were opened as we were both thrown in. That this was the second phase of the plan when they took us to the location of the trade spot.

"Far out. I'm so tired of this shit. Let's just get these girls to the clear cross so I can go to bed. You know I think I'm gonna leave after this trade in. I'm sick of being worked like some slave."

They shut the doors hopping into the car and started the engine. I could hear Mikayla beside me breathing deeply. Considering the amount of chloroform used on us I'd say they wanted us out for the next hour or so.

"Yer keep talkin you always say shit like that." Said the other.

I tried moving my arms that were poorly zip tied behind my back and smiled. The tracker in my bra was giving the location to Elliot i mean max as to where I was, for now I just had to lay down and wait.

'Psht waiting. Excuse me but I'm not known for that.'

'Gee where have you been Ellen?"

'Asleep. inside your head where else?.'

I rolled my eyes at her. The car pulled up a few minutes later, guess time flew fast and from the smell of it we were on the border of the Forrest. The men got out of the car still bickering about which type of doughnuts was better in their last stupid banter and opened the side door grabbing and flinging us over their shoulders.

I couldn't help but let out a low growl when the man who picked me up clutched my tit trying to get a hold of me.

"Shit I think she's awake!" He said dropping me on the ground like I carried some disease.

"Well she will be in if you keep dropping her like that dickhead," The other replied annoyed.

The man who dropped me snorted at his response and picked me up again. They started walking through the forest making all the birds stop singing as if they were trained to Leave an eerie silence as we went through to create a thick tension in the air.

My bones started to tingle as the familiar excitement went through my body. My blood began to fizzle and I became all squirmy. It took a lot of self control to stay still. So When they stopped and dropped us on the ground I let out a sigh of relief I could move a little more now. And then of course they began hustling around so they could sit us up with our backs against some tree and tied us onto a rope around the trunk with even more flimsy zip ties.

A few minuets later I herd a quiet rustling in the trees. To whom I presume was max waiting until the so called boss arrived. Then after he did we would kill him and his associates. then Sam, Rex and possibly Ryan were next to which I would on my way back to the academy to a more exciting kill on site job.

"Ahhh boss you finally made it. Look at what we got, a couple of extras. For the deal tonight."

I could see the form of a man walking up. The brown mesh bag was lifted from my head. It took no less then a second for my eyes to adjust. We were in the same clearing the night from the dinner when I killed greys rouge pack.

I smiled to my self and raised my head looking at the three men in front of me. The closet to me was a bulked up bald man with chocolate skin and pale white eyes that did not look human or werewolf. His scent suggested he was the one carrying me. The other who I assume was carrying miki was as pale as the moonlight with a sickening creaminess to his skin, his eyes were the same and his pale white hair on edge looked as though he had been electrocuted. I recognised both of their voices. They were both dressed in black clothing and had the same shocked faces drawn onto their flabby skin. My face now was plain as I looked into their eyes challenging them not to look away until I did. I turned to the last of them a smile working its way onto my lips.

"I knew you could never change. But I never thought someone with such a wimpy personality like yours could be capable of this." I spoke to the one and only Ryan. Who smiled back lamely like I wasn't worth his time.

"Well what can I say it's a good hobby taking and selling into the sex slave market. I mean Markus and Wez make sure to keep it interesting" he looked at them and jerked his head towards me "her restraints need to be doubled and tighter. She has quite the reputation of getting out of situations like this."

The other men nodded and breathed out a complaint or two.

"To say Jessica That I thought you really were dead is true but when I first saw you I knew you would want to take revenge so I had to change up a few of my plans. And you being here really works out for me. I was actually two people short for tonight's trade."
Ryan walked over to me and leaned in.

"Who knows what cruel things they will do to you when I tell them what your status is."he whispered into my ear and kissed my cheek. Sending familiar shivers and chills all up my body making him smile even more and lent back seeing the discomfort on my face. He licked his lips. "Oh how I've missed you." He said and then forced himself onto me gripping my chest and sticking his tounge down my throat. "Or maybe I should just keep you for myself." He pulled back saying.

"Get your hands off of me you filthy omega." I said through gritted teeth. He just laughed. "You know it's your own fault you've grown so much more."

His eyes turned black with a golden ring shinning with lust.

"And I thought you'd grown a lot more to Ryan only it seems your club of three Just shows how pathetic you really are." I smirked but got no reaction.

"Ohh I'm not scared of you Jessy girl. In fact I never was and you falling for my little charades was pretty dumb. I mean come on Jess I thought you were smarter than that. And then the camera which you know never mind I don't have time for this my clients are coming in a few minutes " he got up from crouching in front of me and walked around the tree. Now that I get a good look, there seems to be at least 5 other girls including miki. The trunk of the tree is huge so I could see every one from both sides of me. There was only two other girls that were awake eyes huge and frightened like a deer caught in head lights. They both had dirty blond hair and blue eyes most likely twins. My hands were now restrained tightly to the rope behind me but little did they all know that all I had to do was clip it with my nail and it would come off.

now all That was left were the so called clients.

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