Chapter 26

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rex pov

I walked around the ring baring my teeth snarling as she looked at her nails and stopped. She was still mind linking with max who was staring her down like a machine ready blow a casket. I didn't feel bad at all that I was about to take his sister as my personal sex slave and I especially didn't give a shit if he was my friend or not.

She nodded focusing her attention on me and crouched ready to strike. I watched her every move from the flexing of her fingers to the rise and fall of her chest.

Smiling I took her by surprise charging in swinging out my arm to bring her down while using my other hand I turned into a fist to punch hard into her kidneys.

I pined her to the ground holding her for a few moments as what suddenly just happened sunk in.

Her delicate fingers curled on my bicep as I finished straddling her smiling at the desperation on her face.

Sam shook his head laughing as I began to do a slow grinding motion on her hip. But max on the other hand could barely restrain himself from entering the fight to kill me. Not that he would have any chance I mean I'm a better fighter than our alpha.

I leant down to her ear began to taunt her whispering that when she lost a black collar with spikes and a chain clip would become her every day jewelry along with other things. Pulling back from her ear I store down at Her eyes that had lost all signs of fear for a few flickering moments revealing deep inside her a white wolf smiling as If I knew nothing of the world and I was some significant insect on the back of its coat ready to be shaken off.

My own wolf began to feel something that he hadn't felt in a long time... and the caution it rose was worrying making a sudden surge to hurry and finish the duel life threatening.

While caught in her glare I didn't notice that one of her forearms was blocking my own from knocking her out and so as my attention fixated on that I fell into her trap a fist flung out from the right connecting with my jaw. only just managing to loosening my grip giving her the ability to pull out her own leg from underneath me and hammer me backwards on the ground by the neck pinning me there as I had done to her without the straddling which may I point out made me kind of disappointed.

If only for a second she smirked like she had already won the match before masking it over again with a frown. With my free hands, I grabbed onto her calf and knee and bent it on an unnatural angle until a loud grinding crack was heard and her scream following right after her leg came away from me and she sobbed rubbing at it.

I had Broken her knee.

I got a strange satisfaction that I hadn't had in years. since Jessica. the feeling of sexual torture came into mind about what we used to do to her, and I started getting a Bonner just thinking about those screams that escaped her lips with pleads to stop. I couldn't wait until those same words left Amanda's own lips. I don't know why I was so worried about this match. Maybe I just imagined the white wolf.

Huddling herself up she stood on one leg and let out a shaky breath looking like she was about to faint from the pain any minute. She motioned me forward with her hand and being polite I charged not knowing what hit me when I connected with her abdomen and everything went black......

Jessica's pov

I kept a pale face faining hurt from the knee he just broke. It was a clean angle break that for me would heal in no less than 15-30 minutes so when I hobbled up I hitched my breath and put a little strain on my face to look like I was about to faint. fooling him completely. I motioned him to come at me and he smiled.

In actual truth, I couldn't feel the break and I never would because of my continues training when they Broke my bones repetitively. Don't get me mistaken it's not compulsory that you had to have that done in fact hardly no one does it because it takes at least 2 years to not be able to feel it and you have to have a new bone Brocken In three different segments each week so when he connected with my body I clamped my hands together with all my pretend strength left and hammered him on the shoulder sending him to la la land where everything is black making him instantly drop and go limp slumping on my body and pinning me to the ground. But what was really gross was the hard thing in his pants.

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