Chapter 23

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we walked into the garage max and Ryan were still not talking about the incident where Ryan slept in my room. max still wasn't convinced Ryan didn't do anything and the story of rayn dibbing me in about how I threw a book at his face made max even more cautious saying he was probably doing something disturbing behind my back that I caught onto like sniffing my pillows or undies and that was the punishment he got. of course, max then looked to me wanting an explanation and because I didn't owe him one I just shrugged and went on my way.

any way so right now I'm getting on my black motorbike and Ryan is staring open mouthed at maxs black sedan (photo up top) while max just smirked at him.

"max can you take Ryan to his house to pick up his belongings and his own car because knowing this dickhead he'll smash anything he touches in this room. " I smiled at him not waiting for a response before skidding off onto the high way to school. I still haven't talked to him but then again, I dont have to I work solo after all and I need answers on where the girls have been taken from those three bimbos who said something about a strippers club where next on my list.

so, turning up the radio that my ear phones were plugged into on the motor bike I broke into a speed placing my game face on.


I'm still angry with her but mainly worried she wont call me by my real name or show me any kindness. last night she opened up a little only to slam back shut again. looking over at Ryan who was staring at the exact spot she just zoomed off from I jumped in my car waiting as he walked around the side to the passengers door.

what did she mean I had no right to look after her? and the sheer horror on her face when I told her who I really was hurt really bad and the fact that she walked in naked in front of two fully grown guys is not normal without even a blush I know I'm her brother and all but fuck she still is hot!

"look man what she just said wasn't true I don't break everything I touch ok. "

I just ignored him turning on the car.

did something drastic happen when I left all those years ago?

I turned my head towards Ryan as I drove the car easily without looking.

"Ryan, you know when I left the pack 6 years ago to keep someone safe? what happened between then and when Sam supposedly brock his promise to me by saying that he killed her?"

Ryan's black hair moved slightly in the breeze wafting his fear drenched sweat over my nose. i store directly into sly eyed face and herd his heart fasten as he tried to think of what to say.

"nothing just the same as always he bullying and rejection from everyone."

I could tell it wasn't a lie but something seemed to off as his heart stopped a few beats when he whipped his head away from my gaze. he was to scarred for that to be just the answer and it didn't make any sense.

"alright then why did max pretend to break his promise and blame the disappearance on you?"

Ryan gulped we were now in town and from the back of my memory I can recall Sam telling me where Ryan was now living.

"well you see Sam really does think Jessicas dead so does rex I did to until she gave away too many clues as to me walking away when they tried to kill her. but to be totally honest I don't know why Sam decided to do it the day she turned 16 maybe it was because if he let her live a little longer she would have found her mate and told him what we had done to her" he looked down at his feet

"are you meaning to say you guys attempted to kill her before she found her mate just so she wouldn't tell him about your bullying?" I said gripping the steering wheel hard making it whine under the pressure. I pulled into Ryans front yard attempting to lock the doors to continue our conversation but Ryan had thought ahead and already had his door open ready to fly out when need be if I got to mad. he ran inside as I relaxed back in my seat turning back on the car and driving out of there.

none of it made sense yes, her mate would be mad but it was just bullying. the type a big brother is meant to help their siblings with I know I wasn't there to help and I'm really sorry about that but my mate was in trouble and if she is still holding a grudge against something like that she needs to grow up a little. after all everyone gets bullied once in their lives and I think its about time she was woken up to reality Ill apologies that I left her and if she still wont accept me then to bad but she needs to know that she is acting like a child.

Ryans pov.

fuck that was a close one hopefully he wont ask me anymore questions tonight. lets just hope he fell for it. now I've got to get packed and ready to go. I looked out my bedroom window as he drove off and I smiled to myself happy to get away by the skin of my teeth and managing to deceive both of them.

Jessicas POV

so, I'm at school looking around and apart from the lustrous jealous stars I'm getting from both guys and girls in class Sam actually showed up for class with bags under his eyes and completely out of it for some reason.

my hands are aching from the small scale like cuts growing in them and my feet look half fish its already noon and there were no signs of the girls the smorning and I didn't get let out at first break because I smart mouthed the teacher about the natural wolf behavior. I mean I bet she didn't have to live among them for 5 months.

so, as I now stare out the window another problem arises adding another to my list. max arrives in his black sedan looking straight at me through the window before a sharp pain fills my head meaning he wants to talk about something.

"what do you want" I ask

"we need to talk about some stuff. about us. I had a chat with Ryan and I think I get why youre so mad but I don't understand why your treating me like--"

and mental link disconnected' Ellan whispered breaking our link she gave me a wolfly grin.

sorry but I don't want to listen to him. if he looks like a trudging rugby player he obviously doesn't know what happened and I would rather have less stress placed on us today then there already is' I smiled back at her comment and turned my attention back on the girls head next to mine who was infested with nits the size of lentils.

10 minutes later max showed up at the side of the door looking really mad.

"we need to talk outside now" he said trying to command me successful making the lesser wolves in the room bow their heads.

"excuses me Mr. Adams but whatever you have to say can wait for after class and that will be after your detention for being late unless you have a note to excuse you and your sister."

the whole class stopped what they were doing and looked up at max waiting for a reply.

"after class" is all he said before sitting down starring daggers at my head.

30 minutes went by without him breaking contact with the back of my head as I continued watching the rain splash against the window sill that started 15minuets ago. my throat was dry and inflamed and i needed water.

the bell for class went and as I rose from my chair max did to meaning to follow me out well that was until Mrs. Drinnen intervened.

"you have detention Mr Adams sit back down and finish the work you missed out on."

he sat back down but looked over at me mouthing the same thing 'we need to talk' and so not even bothering to waste my breath I stuck up my finger in front of the teacher who lucky me wasn't looking and left the class room.

Goddess assassin (BOOK ONE)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt