Chapter 3

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I opened my eyes tiredly. That was the best sleep I had in a long time. Everything suddenly hit me hard and oh god was I confused. I had found my mate, but there was a problem. He was another guy. But was he really my mate? I'm pretty sure I'm not gay.

I sat up and felt a bit of pain in my head. I paused and closed my eyes tightly. He had kissed me. This was so messed up. I opened my eyes and realized that this was not my room. I felt panicked.

It was strung with Alpha Damian's scent, something I might never get used to. It was a nice room with grey walls, two wardrobes, two dressers and a mirror. A door led to the bathroom, which was still bigger than my tiny room. I noticed two open glass doors that probably led to the living room or something. I hesitantly got up. Alright, I was fully clothed, that asshole didn't try anything. I suddenly noticed my watch and other things sitting on a dresser.

Confused and curious, I walked over and opened the drawers. My clothes. My stuff. All of it was there. I felt puzzled immediately. Oh god, was I sharing a room with him? The bed was definitely big enough for two.

I took a shower and put on some new clothes. I walked through the glass doors. There was a sofa and a coffee table facing a tv. A little dresser sat next to the door. I looked around. No sign of Alpha Damian. I peered at the door. I had to see someone. Anyone. Well... maybe not if it was Lori. Fuck you, Lori.

I opened it and closed it behind me. I had never been down this hallway before. No one had, other then the Alpha and his men. I turned the corner and bumped straight into someone.

I looked up to see Damian. He stared at me for a second and I narrowed my eyes. I started walking around him until he caught my wrist, making my skin tingle with shocks through me.
"Hey!" I protested. He brought me closer.
"Your name is Alec, correct?" He asked. I nodded, frustration sparking through me.

"Yeah. Alec who is straight and still looking for his mate. Now let go!" I said back.
"Don't talk to your Alpha like that. I am your mate." His voice coming out in a low growl. I pulled away, but only for him to grab me.
"Get off me" I protested. I struggled aggressively until he dragged me into the room I had came from.

He pushed me against the wall.
"Calm down!" He said.
"No!" I protested. He pinned my wrists and I flattened myself against the wall. His face was only a few inches from mine and I could feel his hot breath on me, giving me shivers down my spine.

Did the moon goddess hate me?
"Listen" he said in a half growl, his eyes pinning onto mine, studying them as if in attempt to memorize them.

"You're mine. You got that? I don't care that you're a guy." That was the gayest sentence I had ever heard. But I wasn't about to have this. My eyes hardened.
"You're my Alpha. But I do not and will never belong to you." He pulled the collar of my shirt down.

"Then shall I mark you?" He asked. His voice sent a shiver down my spine.
[I'll give him a piece of my mind] growled Shane suddenly. Before I thought about what he was doing, I said one of the worst things.

"Then maybe I'll just reject you now." I froze at Shane's words.
"Oh, oh wait, Damian- I- I didn't mean-" He looked at me with black eyes, making Shane whimper and before I knew it, my cheek stung. I was shocked, my eye slowly forming a tear from the surprise and pain.

I ran off as quickly as I could down the hallway.
"Alec!" He shouted. His wolf was probably desperate to mark me. Shane whimpered out as I ran, not wanting to be separated from his mate, even if it was Damian. But Damian didn't act like one. Who would hit their mate on purpose? My words were mean, but an honest accident.

I ran to the dinning hall and spotted Lori. She had a red mark on her cheek, but still looked like she held her dignity. We probably matched now. She was in her group of friends. They seemed to look up and notice something behind me. I turned to see Damian at the entrance of the dining hall. He was not giving up. He looked insane; his eyes searching everywhere. I suddenly felt Lori's group brush past me and watched as they all gathered around Damian. Even Lori.

He says I'm his mate, then goes off and has the girls flirt with him. Great tactics there.
I rolled my eyes and quickly fled down the hall to my room. I opened it to find it empty. I stared around the blank room and rummaged around. Nothing. Everything I was so familiar with was slipping from me and it was his fault. I walked out quickly and went to the only place I could.

I turned the corner and into the room to find doctor Jay. He looked at me and smiled as I scratched the crook of my neck.
"Hey, Alec. Come to help out today?" He asked as he closed the door. I stared at him. He wasn't going to mention what was happening with Damian? I needed someone to lean on.
"Oh! And I have a question for you!"

He suddenly turned to me.
"How long have you known that you were Damian's mate?"
My eyes widened and my mouth went dry.
"How did you...?"
"You reek of him. He probably slept right close to you last night to smother you in it. Because he knew you wouldn't let him in the morning. But you were knocked out due to all the stress, giving him the perfect opportunity."

"But, hey! You feel great today, right? That's the effect your mate has on you when you sleep beside them."
His eyes narrowed as they landed on the red mark on my cheek, but said nothing. He walked closely to me and I held my breath.

"This pack needs you. Get over what type of mental state you're in."
"Need me? Why would it-"
"He's a smart man, Alec. But he can't do it without you." Confusion washed over me. He was managing the pack fine, what was he talking about?

A loud growl suddenly ripped our attention to the now open door with Damian.
"Mate" said Damian.
I turned away from him.
"Stay away from me" I responded.
"Don't talk to your alpha like that" said Jay as he started filling out papers. I turned to him in surprise and shock. He was usually on my side with things.
I felt Damian's presence behind me, grabbing my wrist.
"Alec" he said lowly. "Get this though your head."

"No! I don't care!" I hissed.
I pulled away from him as he growled. I walked out and down the hallway. Screw Damian. He was cold, dark and merciless. He didn't care about me, and he could go off with Lori for all I cared.

Alpha Damian (boyxboy) !CANCELLED!Where stories live. Discover now