Chapter 10

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"About Alec."
The room went silent as all eyes landed on Damian, whom looked unfazed. He probably was expecting this to come up at some point. I stood, staring through the door out of sight, no one noticing me.

"Alpha, please don't take offence, but is he really your mate?" Asked Jackson.
"Yes. He is" confirmed Damian.
"But... he's another male." Damian nodded.
"That is correct" he answered bluntly.
"He's the male that went missing about a week ago" Wade pointed out.
"Alpha Damian... you haven't marked him yet. Why?" Asked Jason.

"He's not ready" explained Damian.
"What do you mean? You're the Alpha. You can do anything" said Wade.

"Damian" said Joehn suddenly. "I have noticed some strange behaviour from him. He only speaks when spoken to and I noticed a few bruises on his arm and his lip was cut." Joehn took in a deep breath. "I bring this up to ask the question; have you been letting your mate be attacked?"

The room went tense. It wasn't his fault.
"Joehn. You know very well that Damian wouldn't let that happen" said Jason.
"I'm asking in expression of concern for our Luna." Damian ran his fingers through his hair.
"The pack isn't intercepting him like they should. I found him in the hallway last night like that. Someone did it, but he won't tell me who."

"You need to assign him a protector" said Logan. "One of my fine men would do an amazing job of taking care of him. Damian's eyes flickered with something that I couldn't sort out.
"I'll... consider it" he said.
"Consider it? You won't agree to that until Alec is marked. Your wolf wouldn't allow it" said Jason. Ah. That's why I didn't know that look. It was Damian being unsure of something. He was ripped between his wolfs possessiveness and my safety.

"Alec is staying by my side for now, so it will be fine" Said Damian.
I walked in, acting like I hadn't been just standing there for about five minutes. Damian noticed me and stood.
"If that is all, gentlemen..." he began as he walked over to me.
"I believe it is safe to say we're done" suggested Jason. Damian nodded.

"Then you are all dismissed." The men got up at the command of their alpha. We left and I looked up at him.
"So, what's next?" I asked, suddenly feeling interested that I was able to see the Alpha's daily routine.

"You'll love this part" he said. We walked down the hallway towards the Alpha's suite, but then suddenly stopped in front of a door. He opened it to reveal an office. His office. It had a desk with a chair on either side of it. It held book cases and filing cabinets, and a leather couch. It was a very handsome office.

"Now; sit somewhere and be silent for the rest of the day" said Damian suddenly. I looked at him as he sat down at his desk and started looking over some papers.
"This is it? You do work all day?" He looked up at me.
"For the most part, yes. But usually, I would go on a patrol too. But I wouldn't dream of bringing you along."

"Why not?" I asked.
"Because you could get hurt. Maybe even killed." I raised my eye brows, but stayed quiet.
I sat in my chair and looked around the room, taking in the details with the most extreme case of boredom. Damian didn't talk and I sat quiet for a good half an hour.

I looked over at Damian. He looked concentrated. I could imagine him meeting an enemy for the first time. Their face falling from a smug smirk to a look of realization to his actual height and power. A pack that big was not messed with. Because of the size of the pack, his wolf was so powerful; it had to be if you were alpha.

[That's right. Think about how powerful our mate is] purred Shane.
[That's not what I-]
Shane suddenly shoved inappropriate pictures through my head. One by one, worse then before.
[Shane! Stop that!] I growled at him as I looked away from Damian, my face turning a light red.

I peeked at Damian. He took a breath in and it suddenly hitched and he paused. He scented the air and his eyes turned to a dull charcoal. Oh god, could he smell that? People had always said that males could tell when others were aroused, but I thought it was a rumour.
[Shane. Shane, please] I begged.
Damian's eyes snapped to mine. I peered away, trying conceal my red face.

He looked hungry, but not for food. His jaw clenched out of the corner of my eye and his grip was so tight on his pen, I thought he would break it soon.
"Alec" he said, his voice a husky low growl as he tried to keep himself calm. "You're distracting me." I didn't know what to say.
"I- I haven't done anything" I said, trying to side step the biggest elephant in the room that has ever existed.

The room went silent again as I gathered myself, the scent finally fading. Damian's eyes stayed a faint black, the situation probably playing in his wolfs mind. Shane was in pure amusement.
[Damn, he's sexy when he can smell us] purred Shane.
[Shane. Don't] I said. He let out an evil laugh in my head and gave me some scenarios, accompanied by pictures once more.

[Stop] I said, crossing my legs and looking away from Damian again. I peered at him out of the corner of my eye as Shane kept playing scenes in my head. I felt a strange shiver jolt through me. I watched as Damian stopped once again. He didn't look up from his work, but his eyes slowly turned a dark black again, his grip almost breaking the pen. He seemed to try to ignore it, but the scent was stuck in the room

I heard him let out a low growl.
"Knock it off, Alec."
"I'm sorry- I can't" I said, trying to conceal the emotions in my voice. He looked up at me.
"You're going to have to, or else I won't be able to control my wolf and I'll be having you on that sofa over there."
[Yes please!] howled Shane.

The scent had built up thicker and I placed a hand over my mouth. I could feel some sweat on me, and the room suddenly felt warm. I tugged at my shirt a little, as if trying to let the hot air out.
[Just take off your shirt if you're hot. Damian won't care] suggested Shane.
[Damian says that if you don't stop this scent, he's gonna do something, and I don't think that taking off my shirt would help the situation.]

[It would help my situation] said Shane. The scent hadn't gone away, and I knew that I was in big shit as Damian looked up at me. He suddenly got up and walked around the desk.
"Damian. Wait- wait. I'm sorry. My wolf, he's-"
"Driving me insane" finished Damian for me. He pulled me out of my chair and started backing me up.

He stopped me suddenly, placing his hands on my waist. He lifted my shirt off, his hands creating tingles on my skin. I felt his lips smash into mine. His wolf must be insane right now. He felt hungry; the way he kissed me, how his body moved to mine. He suddenly pushed me back and I stumbled. He must be done with me now. But I realized that I was deeply wrong as my back hit cool leather and he came forward. Shit. I was on the couch. He straddled me and took off his shirt. His eyes were full of lust and were black as midnight.

He suddenly attacked my neck, kissing and pulling with his teeth. He went to the place he was supposed to mark me. I hoped that he could restrain his wolf from that.
"Damian" I said, my hands digging into his hair. He let out a growl in response, his body slowly moving up and down, creating sparks to shoot through my veins and Shane to go crazy, almost breathless.

I felt his hand on my pants. I grabbed it quickly. He looked into my eyes and I sat up, straddling him. I kissed him lightly, then hugged him. He seemed to turn back to his normal self.
"I told you to stop it" he pointed out teasingly. "If I were you, I wouldn't tease my wolf, mate." I smiled.

In that moment, everything seemed perfect. Except for the fact that I could still feel Damian's boner on my leg.

Ahem~ anyways- it's about to get super crazy real soon. Buckle up. It's about to get seriously serious.

~Blazey (whom is a a very serious person)

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