Chapter 9

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I tiredly opened my eyes. Instead of feeling cold, miserable and achy, I felt more warm and at peace. Shane felt better and at ease, rather than anxious. A warm blanket covered me well and I laid on Damian, his strong arms around me as he partially sat up.

He looked deep in thought. His expression changed with his thoughts; from frustrated to angry to determined then anxious. I felt almost amused as I tried to read his thoughts through his expression. But last night suddenly hit me hard. Bryan.

Damian looked down at me and his eyes met mine. They softened a little and he kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes and breathed in his scent.

"Alec." I could hear his voice rumble in his chest. "I seen the bruises on your stomach and back." I opened my eyes and looked up at him. "Who was it?" My body froze. I've been beaten before. Last time I told the alpha that someone was beating me...
I froze. No, not again.

"No one did it. I fell" I desperately lied. He suddenly sat up fully with me. He had an eerie calm face on and I knew that he wasn't going to stop.
"Alright. I'm going to ask again" he said slowly. "You aren't in trouble, but Alec, I need to know. And this time, give me the truth. You don't get those types of bruises from just falling."

I felt my chest tighten.
"I-It was just a misunderstanding" I explained. He narrowed his eyes.
"I even feel better today" I cut him off. I started to stretch but stopped as I flinched at the sudden ache. I gave out a grunt and he placed a hand on my waist. I realized that I was shirtless and I looked down. My stomach had bruises over it and my chest had a few here and there.

I froze and felt my eyes start to form tears. There were no words. Nothing had changed since alpha Michael. I hated myself. And so did everyone else. I felt Damian wrap his arms around me in comfort as he sighed, my face burying into his chest as I clung to him.
"You're such a handful" he whispered. He withdrew as I wiped my tears away.
"But... I'm not going to just let you scramble around to get hit again."

I stopped and looked up at him.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Until I get to the bottom of this, you will be staying with me." I raised my eyebrows.
"What? But Doctor Jay-"

"I have consulted with Doctor Jay already. He says that he will be fine and that he agrees with me."
I looked down at my chest again. "Anyways, it will help you get used to me" he added.

"Get used to you" I echoed.
He got up, letting the cold temperature of the room get to me and I realized quickly that all he had on was his underwear. I watched his back muscles flex, accompanied by the masculine cracking of his bones.

I looked over into the mirror. I had a healing cut on my lip and a small bruise on the side near my eye, but other than that, my face was alright.

I felt his hand on my shoulder as he gave me a shirt.
"There. Now come on, we have a meeting to go to" he said. I raised my eyebrows.
"A meeting? Wouldn't I be intruding?" I asked. He turned to me.
"Intruding?" He echoed. "You're my mate; the packs Luna. Of course you are aloud to come."

I hesitated, then nodded, slipping on the shirt. We walked out of the room and down the hallway. It was probably ten in the morning at this point. We stopped at a door and opened it. I hadn't been in this room before. It had a long table with chairs around it. There was a table with coffee and muffins. Men scattered across the room, and I recognized most of them quite easily.

Beta Jason, Delta Joehn, captain of training: Logan with his right hand Jackson, the patrol captain: Rhett with his right hand Wade, and a few of the scouts. There were quite a few men with powerful wolves that made Shane feel insecure. Damian closed the door and the men turned to us. They all looked at me, curious glances and raised eyebrows.

"Alpha Damian" greeted Rhett as he stepped up and dipped his head. He spared a glance at me. Beta Jason and Delta Joehn walked over quickly in curiosity. Joehn had seemed to heal well since the patrol; his arm broken, a concussion, but his fine scratches now close to being healed.

"Good morning, Alpha" said Jason. I noticed Joehn scent the air a little. Of course these men wouldn't know me; I barely had spent time out of my room or doing any physical activity. The males all waited anxiously to be introduced. I could tell that some were confused by their own wolfs reactions.

"Who is this, Alpha?" Asked Logan as he eyed me, taking a sip of his coffee. I felt Damian place his arm around me and pull me in closely.
"I wish to introduce to you, Alec Desmond" said Damian strongly. He looked down at me, his eyes flickering with pride and affection. "My mate."

Everyone turned quiet in the room. I looked around. Raised eyebrows and stunned faces. Confusion and surprise.
"This male... is our Luna?" Asked Jackson, looking me over. I became self conscious as the group continued to stare. Joehn was the only one with a calm and simple face the whole entire time. He walked forward and dipped his head.

"Welcome, Luna" he said. Beta Jason walked up and did the same and the others followed, dipping their head and welcoming me.
"Now. Let's get started" said Damian. They all walked over and sat at the table. Damian took his seat at the far end and I sat across from Logan. He had hazel eyes that glanced over once in a while.

The meeting was of a whole bunch of stuff that I couldn't keep track of.
I felt eyes on me and looked over at Damian as the rest of the table talked among themselves.
"Having fun?" He asked.
"This is so boring" I groaned. I looked around the table restlessly.
"I'm going to use the washroom" I decided. He eyed me.
"Do I have to come with you?" He asked. I shook my head.
"I shouldn't be long."

I got up, no one noticing me, and walked out. I walked down to the washrooms and came back, but froze at the door as I heard my name.
"About Alec..." started Rhett suddenly. I stopped suddenly and peered through the crack in the door. Damian seemed unmoved by the subject change.
I felt my heart beat louder.
I doubt this was going to be good.

A/N: I had to split chapter nine from ten. I hope you enjoyed it!


Alpha Damian (boyxboy) !CANCELLED!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt