Chapter 4: Friends

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Brett pulled into the school parking lot and cut the engine, the silence surrounding us but my thoughts were louder. I knew today would be different. Surely, everyone had heard about our relationship and the gossip would be flying left and right. This was high school, after all. Everyone loved a good story about the jock and the regular girl.

After Brett's comment about my lips, I spent the rest of the ride trying to mentally prepare myself for the day ahead and not focus on what he said. Or about his lips. And definitely not about kissing him again.

I gazed at the driver's seat but it was empty. Brett had already gotten out of the car and I hadn't even noticed, too preoccupied in my own mind. I lingered in my seat for a moment longer.

Today everything would change. Four years of living under the radar and keeping to myself would be gone and I would now be Brett Wells' Girlfriend. As far as fake boyfriends go, I couldn't have picked a better one. But still, I was hesitant to face the day ahead of me. I didn't like being the centre of attention and today that was completely unavoidable.

I took a deep breath and opened my door, noticing Brett hovering a few spots down waiting for me. The smile on his face somehow assured me that everything would be alright. When I was standing in front of him, he slipped his hand into mine and stroked small circles with his thumb.

"Are you ready?" His voice was gentle as he spoke.

I met his eyes with mine and sighed. "Not at all."

Brett chuckled and squeezed my hand in his as we walked towards the doors. I pushed back the dooming thought that we were two people walking willingly into a slaughter.

This was high school. Whatever the day threw at me, I was sure I could handle.

Or I would at least try my  best to.

* * *

Everyone was whispering.

Everyone was staring.

"That's the girl?"

"He's dating her?"

Walking through the hallways wasn't even the worst part. I could keep my head down, walk fast, and easily dismiss the burning stares and hushed whispers. But being in class? Where I was forced to sit alone for over an hour while students stared, pointed and gossiped with no shame? That was the worst part.

Brett and I only had English class together. Other than that, our schedules didn't match up except for lunch. When I was with him it was easier to handle the staring knowing he was by my side. But he couldn't always be there and that was the hard part, no matter how badly I wished he was.

I pushed down my nerves as I made my way through the crowded hallway to the cafeteria. I would have just skipped lunch altogether and found shelter in the library, but Brett had texted me and told me he saved me a spot, promising that it would be okay. And as much as I tried to deny it, I wanted to see him again.

As I walked through the cafeteria doors, it felt like time stood still. I could feel hundreds of eyes burning into me, eager to see my next move. I scanned the room and the sea of faces, my eyes finally locking on Brett. He was already watching me with a comforting smile on his face and I felt some of my nerves wash away. 

He was sitting at the jock table -- it was in the far corner of the open space and taken up by every member of the football team, not to mention the cheerleaders hovering around. I spotted Jenny sitting a few seats down from Brett at the end of the table and my eyes narrowed.

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