Chapter 64: Beginning

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The final chapter of Rivals (don't forget to read the epilogue!). Please tap the star to vote and, as always, enjoy :)

Chapter song: Collide - Howie Day. "Out of the doubt that fills your mind, you finally find that you and I collide."


Driving through town with Becca had quickly become one of my favourite pastimes. There was something intimate about the silence that fell between us every time we drove; my hand on her leg, her hair blowing around her face like leaves caught in a breeze. As we drove to her apartment, to whatever surprise lay before us, I felt the shift.

As soon as she climbed back into my car after her conversation with her father, there was something different about her; her laugh seemed louder, more carefree; her eyes were vibrant and beautiful, the sadness that lurked around the edges was missing. The happiness radiated off her and wrapped itself around me.

I was proud of her for facing her demons head on and conquering them. She had spent so long running away, we both had, but today ... today she stopped running. And I had this strange feeling that today pave the path to the rest of our lives.

Becca jumped out of the car as soon as I pulled into her apartment building, the excitement nearly bubbling out of her. I smiled as I watched her walk to the doors with determination before I ran out myself, chasing after her.

Whatever this surprise may be, she was proud of it. Even if it involved eating that disgusting ice cream, I would eat it for her.

But as Becca lead us into the elevator, where her finger pressed the button for the top floor, our destination became clear: the rooftop, where our love began; where we kissed and my entire world shattered only to rebuild itself around her.

Impatiently, I reached for Becca. I smiled as her body collided with mine, wrapping herself around me. She stood on her tip toes and brought her face closer. Slowly, teasing. I was desperate as I closed the space between us, breathing her in as she kissed me in that soft, gentle way of hers.

Her body moulded to my hands. Every kiss, every touch, ignited my soul on fire. I could feel the flames licking at my insides as her fingers slid under the hem of my shirt, burning their touch into my skin.

I wanted her. I always fucking wanted her but now ... I needed her. It took all my willpower to not reach out and press the button that would take us to the floor her room was on.

Surprise, I reminded myself as I willed my mind back on track.

A chime sounded in the distance and I was vaguely aware of the elevator doors sliding open behind us. I pressed Becca's body closer to mine, holding her to me as she began to pull away.

"No," I groaned as I rested my hands on her hips. She chuckled.

There's no rush, I reminded myself. We have all the time in the world.

"Your surprise awaits," Becca said slyly. Her tone made my heart slam in my chest.

She smiled secretively as she walked ahead of me, outside into the cool air. I glanced around the rooftop, at the open sky that sprawled before us. The sun was setting into a canvas of brilliant colours.

Becca stood at the edge, leaning against the stone as she gazed over the city. The light made her look luminescent. Radiant. And as I continued to watch her, the sun began to seem a little more dull against her own brightness.

"What are we doing up here?" I asked, wrapping my arms around her waist as she pressed her back into my chest.

"It always goes home," she said absentmindedly as she stared at the sky.

(RIVALS) The Upside of Falling ✔️Where stories live. Discover now