chapter 7

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I don't know what to do Rick is struggling to keep the door closed I looked around for another exit then I saw a large vent In Front of the desk.

"Rick we're gonna make a run for it."

"Are you crazy?!"

"We're gonna crawl through the vent over there."

"OK I don't care where it leads but if it gets us out of here I'm in."

We made a run for the vent and Rick began to crawl thru the vent. and when he was far enough inside I started to head in. then all of the sudden I heard a shader noise and I could see the bear's arm hanging through the window reaching for the door knob. I hurried thru the vent and as far as I knew, I was in the clear.

When I finally reached the end and I saw a safe room filled with boxes and on the corner of the room was a yellow spring suit.

No eyes were visible, only two dark holes. When i looked into them they reminded me of dark caves carved into the sides of mountains, they reminded me of a black void. It Disturbed me in the worst way. I've been running endlessly thru this old building, running from those.... monsters. I haven't had time to be scared. But now i have time to catch my breath, i can't stand straight, im filled with fear.

"What are we gonna do rick" i said in fear, i knew the only way out of this room was the vent i crawled out of a moment ago. I think this was the end, it would only be minuets before they lurked their way in here, im gonna die

Im....... gonna...... die......

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