chapter 11

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my heart is pounding, i wish i didn't even take this case, even if i do make it out of here in one piece, nothing will be the same. this will haunt me for the rest of my days.

but if god lets me leave alive, ill value life more, ill spend more time with my loved ones, ill try to live a better life, just give me a sign......

all of a sudden, a bright light that peeked thru a door, out only temporary shelter from the mechanical nightmares. it was a split second decision, go into the room and barricade ourselves, or keep running and pressing our luck. 

 we ran inside the dimly lit room and as quick as we could, we barricaded ourselves inside.

"this wont hold them for long" rick shouted quickly. 

i scrambled to look around for a solution, nothing but 3 vents they must lead to 3 separate rooms.

"were gonna split up, ok. pick a vent" i told rick as calmly as could. he began to crawl through the vent on the left side of the room, closing it behind him. i took the one on the right. it reeked of mildew, no surprise there. i closed the vent behind me, i could hear Freddy and his pals banging and pushing the stuff away from the door, i kept crawling. until it lead me to a open vent. it lead to a hallway. i could see the rubble blocking one end of the hall, i realized i made it to the other side of the hallway that was blocked off. 

i walked own the hall, until i ran into a wall that was unfinished, a single hole was visible, i could see a light casting over...... a yellow suit, it looks like Bonnie. but tattered, its a spring lock suit. i began to take out one brick at a time, brick by brick i made it into the room. i walked inside.

 "this is it, the room we were looking for" i said to myself. the walls were covered in pictures of the golden rabbit and golden bear. i dug through some files, they were evidence. someone was hiding it all in here. we could finally solve this!

"well well, u found it. great work" i turn around, its rick, he has a weird smile on his face. "i had fun tonight, scaring u. and thank u for finding the evidence, but now u know too much......." 

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