chapter 13

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"they will be here any minute" rick said while smirking

"no one must find out this secret, some things are meant to be unsolved, but u couldn't let go could ya tanner!" his fists clenched 

"now we are gonna die, they want revenge, they want redemption!" 

i could hear their footsteps coming down the hallway, very rapidly, as if they were sprinting to our location.  the clanking of their metal feet against the old, dusty floor. we were only mere seconds from death. now i could see their menacing eyes....those damned eyes, red as blood, gleaming down the hallway giving of their menacing luminescence. my options were very slim, then i saw it, the steam pipe, with its blinking warning light, now a beacon of hope to me. 

in the spit second i had, i lifted the axe above my head and swung down onto the pipe, spewing out a thick and hot steam that scolded my hand for getting too close, rick was stunned by the overwhelming steam. i ducked into the over-sized vent on the other side of the room, but when rick noticed what was going on, it was too late for him, Bonnie plowed into him, making a loud thud, then a snap, his left arm was smashed. bending in many different unnatural ways.  

before i went further into the vent, i looked back seeing the red spotlights focusing on rick, he tried to crawl but they surrounded him now. Freddy grabbed him by the throat, lifting him with brute force. rick was screaming "I MADE YOU, YOU'RE MY PUPPETS, I CREATED YOU!" but then a deep silence fell into the room, then suddenly Freddy's head jolted forward, his jaw sinking into the side of ricks face, he let out a blood curdling cry, Freddy dropped him, ricks face was now unrecognizable, missing a large chunk of his face, exposing shredded meat and bone, and a bloody eye socket, where his left eye should of been. now full of a red, jelly like mass. 

he was still alive, crawling and squirming like a worm on a fishing hook, begging for his life, the group dropped to their knees, and began tearing away at his flesh, i looked away and began to crawl, all i could hear was the breaking of bones, and the tearing of flesh and muscle. then the screaming stopped. 

i continued to crawl through the vent, until i came to an intersection. large enough for me to sit up. i sat for awhile, processing what i just saw. the horror i just witnessed. i sat there.....and cried quietly. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2019 ⏰

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