Chapter 8

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I just sat there, looking at the floor. I thought it was the end, the animatronics broke in the office and now i can here their loud clunky suits on the other side of the wall. I don't know what's gonna happen to us. There was a million things russing thru my head, i couldn't think straight.

"Tanner come on there has gotta be another way out"

After he said that, something popped into my head, i remembered i was supposed to find a false wall after i reported back at the station yesterday.

"The false wall" i said quietly at first. Then i said it again almost yelling.

"If we find that false wall, we could get out of here" i told rick quickly almost stumbling over my words. We searched for a false wall. knocking on the walls looking for a hollow noise, we didn't have much time. We could hear them trying to crawl in the vents. Then i heard the magical noise of a hollow wall.

We grabbed two cinder blocks that were in the room and we started smashing the wall. Dry wall was flying everywhere.

It wasn't that hard breaking thru the wall, before we knew it we were thru the wall, at the very end of the hallway i could see the door busted by the animatronics. We didn't stick around long, we sprinted down the hallway entering one of the dinning areas. It was a dead end and it wasn't long before the animatronics knew we got out, because i could hear their big bulky feet clanking on the ground, rushing down the hallway.

We had no other choice accept to crawl under a table, and wait. They entered the dinning room and they were in here wich felt like hours, i was trying my hardest not to make a sound, or even breathe to loudly. Because if they found me, i was dead. 
I decided to take a small peek from under the table, rick begged me not to saying "your crazy". but i didn't see anything........ until a glowing pairs of eyes suddenly flashed and i ducked under the table in a split second. 

"Im dead, im dead" i repeated in my head. And the lout footsteps got closer and closer, after that.........nothing......there was.......nothing, i blacked out.........there was nothing.

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