Chapter 6: Kellin runs away.

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~~~~~~Vic's POV~~~~~~
"I done told you, Mike. He's not ready and I'm not going to let you or anyone else use him. He's not a toy he is a human being."

"You brought him. He's property." Mike said.

"He's more than property to me. I don't treat him like you treat yours."

"I bet you haven't even had sex with him yet," Mike smirked.

"What it to you."

"If you don't want to do it. I will."

I pushed Mike up against the wall, he may be bigger than me, but we both know that I'm stronger.

"You lay a fücking finger on him and I will kill you."

"How about we let Kellin decide."

"He has no choice in this. He will lose it when I am ready for him too."

"You can't make him wait forever. Last time I heard he was ready for it and I'm pretty sure he will take any chance he can get."

"You stay away from him."

"We will see big bro."

Mike pushed me away and walked out the door laughing.


"What?" I snapped around to see Kellin standing there.

He looked at me in shocked and it only caused my blood to boil.

"What? You can't just call my fücking name and not answer. What do you want?"

"A-Are you alright?"

"Was you spying on us?" I asked.

"N-no, I-I, yes." he mumbled.

"You need to keep your nose out of places they don't belong. What me and my brother were talking about was none of your business."

"It was about me I have a right to know."

"If I say you can."

"No, if it has my name in it. You do not get to decide rather or not I know."

"I have to right to tell you what you can and can't do. And right now I think you should go to your fücking room."

"Why nothing happens up there. I just sit up there and be bored watching tv. There nothing exciting to do here."

"If you don't like it here then fücking leave. Go back to your parent who doesn't fücking want you."

"Like you?" Kellin said before he turns around and runs up the stair.

"Kellin, wait. I didn't mean it like that."

I run up the stair after him. He quickly ran into his room and locked the door.

"Kellin, I didn't mean it like that."

"How did you mean it?" Kellin yelled.

"I was just mad. I didn't mean to say it like that. I didn't mean to bring your parents up like that. Please open the door and let me talk to you."

"I just want to be left alone right now," Kellin mumbled.

"Kellin, please."

I waited for a reply but never got one. I rest my head against the door and sigh. 

"I will be in my room if you want to talk."

~~~~~~~~Kellin's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

I wipe the tears from my eyes and packed a small bag. I opened the door looking to make sure Vic was never in sight and quietly walked out of the room and down the stairs. I came to the front door and looked back. I turned back around and open the door and running out.

It was pouring down rain and I had nowhere to go. Nowhere to call a place I call home. I kept walking until I found somewhere to sit down. 

"How old are you kid?" I was asked but I never respond. I just kept my head down. My wet hair falling on my face.

"Here take this money." 

"I don't need your money." I mumbled.

The women placed the money in my bag and walked over. I picked up the money moving it around in my hand. 

I opened my bag and place the money inside regretting it right after. 

I have nowhere to go no place to call my home. I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't die out here. 

~~~~~~The Next Morning~~~~~~

I groaned and opened my eyes my whole body numb from sleep on this hard ground. I reached from my bag only to find that it was stolen. 

"Great." I mumbled.

I use the wall as support to slowly lift myself off the ground. I looked around and my bag was nowhere to be found. During the night I was robbed. 

"Just great." I mumbled.

I slowly made my way around town looking for somewhere to go. 

"Are you a little too young to be roaming the streets by yourself?" Some random guy asked. 

I ignore him and kept walking which didn't seem like a good idea because he grabbed me and making me face him. 

"How old are you." He asked.

"That's none of your business." I jerked away from him. 

He grabbed me against and held me back against him.

"Let me go." I yelled and struggled against him.

"Somebody help me!!!" 

~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~

Chapter 7: Kellin is kidnapped?

I am going to end this chapter here. I am sorry for taking forever. I am trying to update as much as I can but there's a lot on my plate. It is my final year of high school and I am constantly working well when I am finished being sick. It's a new year and I am so far behind in my life I don't even know what to do anymore.

I hope you guys enjoy. Don't forget to vote and comment. This is probably the worst chapter you're going to ready.

Goodbyes are never endless


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