What He Didn't Know {mxm interracial}

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A/N: So basically before you start reading just know this story needs a lot of editing so bare with me here. The ending of this story is pretty much sit so read with caution X. I could promise that I will re edit the ending but it'll take time..since I have other stories. Pretty please bare with me here.


"Baby! Have you seen my gold earrings?". Natasha called out from the bathroom.

Arthur rolled my eyes and quickly zipped up his now packed and ready suitcase. He loved Natasha with all his heart and soul, and accepted every flaw she came with, but this was the one that always seemed to annoy him. She was the most careless person he knew when it came to her stuff.

"Honey, did you look in the cabinet on the right?".

Suddenly he heard loud russling noises from the bathroom and knew she was looking frantically for it.

"Aha! I found it. How the hell did it end up in here?". She walked in the room with her head crooked to the side, putting on the now found earrings.

He hefted the suitcase off the bed with ease and walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her petite but curvy body.

"Is your suitcase packed and ready babe? 'Cause we gotta leave in--he glanced at his expensive Rolex watch--30 minutes". The plane was actually leaving in four hours, but with Natasha's tardiness issues, he was better safe than sorry.

She rolled her chocolate brown eyes and dropped her hands from ears and wrapped them around his neck, giving him an adoring look.

"Everything's ready and set. Thank you for this, Arthur. I think you and me really needed a break from the office, this trip is really gonna help up reconnect better. Don't ya think?".

He smiled at her and nodded,touching his forehead with hers. It was true though, they both lived and breathed work and hardly had time for each other. Natasha worked as a party planner and was always on the phone planning and helping her clients. It constantly had them fighting, because even though he was the CEO of Sterling Enterprise he made sure he left work at his office. She brought her work with her everywhere.

He leaned down and pecked her soft lips. When he pulled back she immediately brought his head back down and smashed her lips to his, pushing her tongue in his mouth. He groaned and moved his large hands to grope her shapely ass.

Since they were always busy, they rarely got time to make love and if they ever do end up having sex her phone rings in the middle of it and she picks it up. It frustrated him to no end, but it was kind of his fault, he did always say he wanted an independent woman and he got just that.

Suddenly the kiss got more aggressive and he ended up lifting her up and perching her butt on the nearby dresser. He reached under her shirt and She moaned loudly when he pinched her now erect nipples.

"Oooh, that feels good." He twisted and pulled and she threw her head back in heated passion.

Damn they really shouldn't be doing this, they had a plane to catch. With frustrating reluctance, he pulled his hands and she gave a slight whimper.

"Babe, I hate to stop here but we have a plane to catch. We can do all this while we're on the ship." She gave an annoyed groan and he stepped back, giving her room to hop off the dresser.

She stood up to her full 5'4 height and punched her hands to her hips, giving me an frustrated glare.

"Fine, but I am having sex today with or without you". She glanced at the dresser and grabbed her favorite MK bag.

I stood there still and unmoving. Not sure what she meant by "with or without you". I knew Natasha would never cheat, it's against her nature, she was a loving, Christian, faithful wife. That only meant... Oh God No.

She must have caught my appalled expression because she gave me a sly smirk and strutted out the room. She was planning to use B.O.B. my ultimate enemy since the day she bought it. B.O.B, better known as her Battery Operated Boyfriend.

"Honey! Hurry up we got a plane to catch!" Her voice called out from downstairs.


"Omg! I can't wait! It's gonna be so romantic! Hurry up hon, we got 2 hours to reach the airport, and we still gotta take Johnny to mamas house". Miranda said while putting on her makeup.

Spencer groaned and rubbed his aching temples to try soothing the headache he knew was about come. He didn't even wanna go to the stupid Caribbean Cruise vacation, it sounds nice now, but he's gonna be stuck with her for a week.

She was constantly hounding him for kids and money and he was sick of it. He should've filed the divorce before this ended up worse but, she had already planned the cruise and he had no choice but to go with her. Especially, since her family was excited to have Johnny for a week.

Johnny is four years old and one of Miranda's son from her previous relationship. Spencer loved the kid even if it wasn't his own, the kid was funny and adorable and probably the closest way he'll ever get to raising children. He wasn't the dad type, and it made him sound bitter and old but from how he was raised when he was little, he didn't wanna end up being like that.

His father was a raging alcoholic who thought beating his son was a sport the world didn't invent yet, and he had the scars to prove it.

Shaking his head from the disturbing memory, he stood up, grabbed the suitcase handle and dragged it to the living where Johnny was waiting.

He ruffled the kids curly brown hair and Johnny giggled, trying to bat his hands away. He grinned and took a seat next him.

"So you ready to go to grandmas house?" Johnny's face pinched into a pouty frown and he crossed his little arms.

"No! I wanna go with you Spency". He turned with his bright blue eyes and gave Spencer a look that can only be described as hopeful.

"Sorry kid, no can do, this is a grown ups trip".

"I'm a grown up!". Spencer couldn't help but chuckle at the little guys determined face.

"Yes, you are but-" He was suddenly interrupted when Miranda came in the room, her blonde hair shining and her face painted to perfection. Her ample breasts looked like they were about to fall out of the skin tight shirt and and shorts she was wearing showed off her mile long legs.

"What are you guys doing sitting there? Spencer why didn't you put Johnny in his car seat in the time you were waiting ?". He rolled my eyes and glared at her.

"Because we're gonna be way to early. And I don't wanna sit and wait in the crowded airport". She immediately glared back, punched a hand on her hip and jutted it to the side.

"We need to leave now. I don't know how long its gonna take to get there." She walked over and grabbed his hands, pushing him to stand up .

"Come on, let's go".

Spencer grabbed his hands back from her and she pouted, her pink lipstick/lipgloss whatever it's called made her lip look fuller and shinier.

"Come on baby, don't be mad. We're going on vacation, everything's gonna be perfect!"

He sighed and held his hand out to Johnny, and the kid jumped up and took it.

"Come on, let's get you in your car seat".

What He Didn't Know {mxm interracial} [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now