Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Good evening, Mr.Sterling, Mrs.Sterling. Table for two?". She smiled politely and Arthur nodded.

"Right this way, please." He took hold of Natasha's delicate elbows and they followed the waitress. The ships dining room was absolutely beautiful, tables were adorned all over the room and large spiral staircases led to the upstairs part of the dining room. In the middle of it all was a enormous, bright chandelier that made the room glow.

The waitress ushered them to a two seat table with a candle placed in the center, on their left was a wide window that showed the beautiful ocean at night. He glanced around and couldn't help but notice guys checking out his lady and he scowled in their direction.

When they finally took their seats, they picked up the menus and browsed through the meals.

"Sir, someone will be right over to take your order." He nodded and when she walked away, he glanced up at Natasha who was reading the menu with furrowed brows.

"Babe, you're looking at the menu like your trying to read a map." He chuckled and took his hands into hers over the table.

She glanced up and smiled. "I didn't tell you, I'm on a new diet, therefor I need to make sure I don't eat anything to fattening or sweet." He felt his face frown. Why would she be on a diet? He already loved her luscious curves, he wouldn't change anything. It was most likely probably one of her friends ideas.

"You don't need no diet, baby. You're perfect the way you are, who put you up to this?"She shook her head and tried to pull her hands from mine, but I tightened my grip.

"I don't think I'm fat, but I want to have this body forever, I'm not planning to get any bigger than this".
That immediately made him tense and this time he was the one who removed his hands from hers.

"What do you mean? When you have my baby, you're eventually gonna get bigger and I'll still love you the same." He tried to give her a reassuring smile, but she turned her eyes away before she could see it.

" know how I feel about kids right now...". She didn't want kids, I knew that. Last time the conversation came up she explained the her life was to "busy" to have kids, she wanted to focus on her career, but he wasn't getting any younger.

"Tasha, when are we suppose to have kids then?". She was obviously trying to avoid this conversation because she picked up her menu and you and focused back on it.

Right, ok. This was another one of our topics we usually argued about, and I thought it was perfectly normal for a couple to disagree on the topic of kids because they had to make sure there life was stable. But he was stable, He's 33 and she's 31, this would be the perfect time to produce a baby.

"Why are you ignor--?"

Someone clearing their throat interrupted my next few words.

"Sir, are you ready to order?". He nodded and told his order, still intensely staring at Natasha.

"Mam,what would you like this evening?"

Natasha sat her menu on the table and gave a forced smile to the waitress.

"I'll just have a salad for now."

His jaw dropped. Out of all the delicious items they had on the menu, she picked a salad!

When the meal came, they both ate in silence and when Natasha was finished with her meal, she excused herself from the table for the restroom. When she left, he used the napkin to wipe his mouth and he leaned back in his chair. He need a fucking drink.

What He Didn't Know {mxm interracial} [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now