Chapter 2

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Chapter 1

Being a wealthy man had its advantages. For example first class seats, where you can sit back and enjoy fine service and quiet.

Arthur sighed and reclined his chair comfortable leather chair back, his long legs currently vacating a plush leather leg rest.

He turned and glanced at his sleeping wide. She looked so relaxed and at peace, he couldn't ask for anyone better to spend the rest of his life with. A loose jet black tendril of hair suddenly made its way in front of her eyes and he gently pressed it away to continue staring at her lovingly.

Someone cleared their throat abruptly and he glanced up at the flight attendant with wild curly red hair. She gave him a bright smile.

"Hello sir, can I offer you a glass of our best wines?".

He pondered whether he should drink or not before heading on the cruise, and he decided against it. He wants to be fully awake when he gets there, so that he can get through the night with Natasha. He gave the flight attendant a small smile and shook his head.

"No, thank you. But can you get my wife a blanket please". The flight attendant nodded.

"Of course sir". She walked away and he tuned out for the rest of the flight.


"Dammit, what the fuck is up with these chairs. I can't get comfortable". Spencer pushed back on the annoying, chair trying to situate himself in a comfortable position.

"Babe, relax. If you would have gotten us first class tickets this never would have happened". She said, her head still down reading the cruise brochure.

He rolled his eyes and glanced wearily at her.

"Well Soorry if I can't get a 2000$ per person first class seat you wanted." He mocked sarcastically and she finally looked up and gave him a glare.

He sighed and ignored her, pushing back his seat one more time.

"You know, this vacation is supposed to help us. Maybe if you have time away from, I dunno, everything you have going on, you might start reconnecting with me. We used to be dynamite together. What happened?"

It was true. The first time they got together was when he was 27, which was three years ago. They did everything together, not to mention the sex was beyond amazing. After a year in a happy committed relationship, he decided maybe she was the one for him, she would stay and be there for him in everything, and whatever their problems were they would figure it out together, so he asked her hand in marriage. Worst idea in the world.

She became way too clingy, way too fast, everything always had to go her way, and money was always on top of the list of things he didn't have. He wasn't poor, but he couldn't necessarily afford a Mercedes if he wanted to, his real estate job didn't pay that high. But nooooo, Miranda couldn't adapt to the close to middle class life they lived, she'd rather live in some big mansion with billions of kids running like chickens with their heads cut off.

"Honestly, Miranda, I don't know". With that said, he took out his iPod and stuck the headphones in his and tuned out Miranda's questions, and tried to ignore the heartbreaking look she planted on her face.


"Oh wow, this is so beautiful". Miranda breathed out and dropped her purse on the nearby table.

Spencer had to admit, the room was a real beauty. The walls were a shiny chestnut wood and soft carpet layered the floor. In the middle was a big queen sized bed with red bed covers and pillows. But the topping of the icing was the view, a big window showed the beautiful view of Puerto Rico and its waters.

He took a breath and swore he could smell the salty ocean, even if they were on the fourth floor of the ship. Despite his reluctance to come here, he had to admit the place was beautiful and could only be described as paradise.

He kicked off his shoes and strolled over to the soft bed. He face planted into the bed and groaned, the bed felt like a fucking cloud.

Suddenly he heard the bathroom door closed, damn he forgot she was here.

"Babe, I was reading the brochure and it says tonight it the Captains Welcome Ball, we need to be ready for it in about four hours, so don't oversleep and going to head out and take a look around." She hesitated. "Unless, you wanna come with me?"

Spencer groaned. No way was he gonna miss out sleeping on this wonderful bed, she can go alone. "I'll pass". He waved her away and he swore he could almost feel the heated glare she was giving him, scorching his back. With grumbled cuss words she grabbed her bad and stomped out the room.

He crawled up the bed, sighed peacefully and succumbed to sleep.


"Ok Arthur, which dress?". Natasha stood with a fluffy white robe, two hands firmly placed on her hips and her brows furrowed. For the life of him, he couldn't understand why woman always took doing to dress, no matter how many times he told her she looked beautiful in anything, she still wouldn't choose a dress.

They both looked exactly the same to him, except maybe the color. He crossed his arms behind his head and
leaned back on the bed head, though if he had to really choose he would pick none. Both showcased too much of her beautiful caramel legs, and that didn't sit right in his book.

She was still standing there glaring at the dresses when he finally gave up.

"Fine, fine! The black one." She shrugged and picked up the red one.

"Ehh, I like the red one better". He gave her a disbelieving look and she returned it with a rueful smile.

"Honey, it's a woman's rule to never wear what your man wants because it's always likely, the worst one." He sighed and shook my head. Woman.

She stripped off her robed to expose her nakedness and his body immediately heated in arousal behind the small white towel he had wrapped around my waist.God, the woman had curves that could kill, she was absolutely stunning.

She smirked knowingly and wagged her finger. "Oh no you don't, the Captains Welcome ball is in 30 minutes, and you had your chance before you went on the plane. Now you have to wait till after dinner."

He groaned and struggled up to his feet, his arousal clearly evident behind the towel.

"Fine, but you won't be able to get away from me when we get back". He turned his back to her and dropped his towel, smirking when he heard a gasp come from behind him.


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