Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Rachel! Hi, I thought you were with Natasha". Arthur said, his eyes wide as he stepped in front of Spencer.

The woman tsked and the sudden devious grin on her face brought chills rushing up Arthur's spine. "Well well Arthur. This is a shock to me, honestly. So this is why you turned down my invitation?"

"No," He snapped, jaw clenched. "I turned you down because I have no interest in you - at all."

Arthur could feel soft breaths on his back as Spencer stood still behind him. He didn't know why he hid him but it was as if on reflex.

"Arthur, Arthur. I really don't think you should be mean to me right now because your wife is actually," She smirked and glanced behind her, then returned her conniving gaze to Arthur. "She's actually waiting for me right now. And boy do I have a lot to tell her."

Spencer couldn't take this anymore. He was literally seething as he stood behind Arthur and listened to the evil witch just revel in the fact that she had caught them. Well technically catch Arthur, because he was the one with the whole undying love speech but he actually felt bad for the guy.

So he raised his hand, slightly pushing the tense man out the way and stood in front to glare at the woman. "You conniving bitch why would you-"

"Spencer-" Arthur tried to interrupt.

"Why would you want to ruin something that has nothing to do with you in the first place?" He continued ignoring Arthurs shocked face.

"I'm not the home recker!" She snapped. "You're the one sleeping around with each other when you both have a wife."

"Lets not forget, you were the one that tried to make me sleep with you too!" Arthur intervened.

Spencer didn't know about that information but he tried not to let the shock flash across his face, not wanting to give the bitch any reactions.

"It doesn't matter." She scowled at Arthur. "I don't even want you after now knowing you're a fucking faggot. Atleast I'm a woman, he's a man."

Spencer rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "And it makes it all of a sudden right if its a woman."

"Yes! And not only will I tell your wife but I'll also tell my husband," She flicked her gaze up and down Arthur's body in distaste. "You won't have to worry about being partners in the business anymore because I know David would never work with a fucking black fairy."

"Really? You're gonna play the race card right now, after you tried to seduce him to sleep with you?" Spencer asked in disbelief.

"That's before I knew this." She snapped. "Why am I even talking to the likes of you people? I have news to share with Natasha, hopefully you get what you deserve." She said finally and started to turn around when Arthur stepped forward and snapped his hand out to grab Rachel's wrist.

"Please - dammit, wait." He said said then sighed in frustration when she complied, turning back around and crossing her hands over her chest.

They was slight silence and heavy tension in the air and the look on Arthurs face made Spencer's heart clench in pity. The man looked defeated as if he had no more fight left in him.

"I want to tell her, can you just... I don't care if you tell David, my company is well off already. But please -" Arthur exhaled a shuttery breath when Rachel scowled. "Please, let me just tell her. I don't want her hearing from anyone else."

Rachel stayed silent then flicked some hair off her shoulders. "Whatever, Arthur. But you better tell her. Or I will."

"What do you even get out of all this really? Why do you even care?" Spencer had to ask.

She just shrugged. "Arthur rejected me. And to a man, at that".

"Jealous much?" Spencer looked away and muttered.

"Spencer-" Arthur warned, giving Spencer a wary glance.

"Don't test me, fairy." She looked at me and snapped and walked away, her high heels clicking with every step.


Arthur shut the door slowly as he let the young looking bartender out. When he and Spencer entered the room the guy had been sitting there looking pissed as hell until he saw or rather, felt the tense silence between the two men that entered.

Arthur had politely asked him leave and the man quickly scurried out the door.

Arthur exhaled a wary breath and walked over to a chair, his body immediately falling back in the chair as I'd couldn't hold itself anymore. He watched as Spencer picked up some fruity looking drink from the counter, walk across the room to the bathroom, and the tell-tale sound of water running told him the man discarded the drink.

He came out the room and simply placed the empty glass on the counter. He then proceeded to move the blanket out the way and took a seat on the bed, staring at Arthur with a blank look on his face.

"I didn't sleep with him." Spencer muttered.

Arthur raised and eyebrow. "But you didn't simply kiss him". Arthur replied.

"He just-"

Arthur rose his hand to stop Spencer from finishing his sentence. He honestly didn't want to know. "I don't want to know, Spencer."

Arthur sat up and ran a palm down his face. "I just want you to know that I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I put you in this situation. I'm sorry I made you had to go out and do something like that. I'm such a fucking asshole that I didn't.. I didn't think how you felt about all this."

"Arthur I pursued you first." Spencer muttered. "I'm the reason-"

"No," Arthur snapped and got out the chair, taking a seat next to Spencer. He sighed and wrapped an arm around the man, embracing him tightly. "We're both at fault here. I'm gonna tell her, Spencer."

Arthur felt Spencer breath caught as the mans head turned peered at him, blue eyes wide and glossy. "You were serious?"

Arthur smiled and ran his finger slowly down the mans cheek. "Yeah, I was. I love you Spencer." He whispered, "And I want to be with you. Damn the consequences."

Spencer suddenly exhaled and rose up brings their lips mere centimeters away from each other. Their warm breaths mingled, an electric current sparking in the air. "I love you too." He muttered before claiming Arthur's lips.


Sorry about the short chapter. Soo sorry. Next Chapter is smutty so...

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