Chapter Thirteen

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The six seeds Kore swallowed were deceptive and Hades' words were deceiving as Kore didn't understand the full consequences of her actions, or perhaps she did and that's what she didn't want to believe. She didn't want to believe that she had chosen to eat the fruit from the hands of the God of the Underworld because it meant that she chose to stay with him instead of returning to her mother. If her words appeared as innocent as she looked, it would be safe to say that she was tricked into eating the seeds and the blame would fall solely onto Hades. The supposedly sheltered goddess could easily escape all consequences of her actions once her mother unleashed her wrath. 

Hades watched her eat each one and whenever she met his gaze, he would look away in what appeared to be guilt. Did he feel guilt for lying to her, claiming that he only wanted her to eat before she withered away when in reality he knew very well what he was doing? Or was he worried that he wouldn't like the taste of the pomegranate seeds and would proceed to spit them out before his plan could go through? Either way, he did feel guilt and it was certainly a sight for the young goddess to witness. She had been told of the ruthless nature and darkness of the Underworld, the cruelty of Hades that he unleashed on the souls that were trapped beneath the soils for all eternity. Kore had expected to see the crazed look in his eye upon their first meeting, waiting for his harsh exterior to become overwhelming. Yet she hadn't witnessed any of that.

The Hades before her was gentle, treated her kindly to the best of his ability, and his concern for her wellbeing was obvious, leaving Kore confused. Were her mother's words true or was it another one of the farce tales that she told in order to scare her daughter into a submissive state, to prevent Kore from ever wanting to leave her side. Her mother spoke poorly of many of the gods and goddesses, many Kore had never laid eyes on. She didn't let half of them even speak to her, only if she permitted them beforehand. Demeter carried a bitterness when it came to Kore's father, Zeus and those in favor of the God weren't friends of hers. 

She couldn't blame her mother for being bitter or untrusting of the other Gods and Goddesses, for Zeus had violated Demeter when she resisted any of his lusting actions. It was fully known that Zeus' behavior was disgusting as he held no respect or regards for those that simply did not find themselves attracted to him. It was as if it were impossible that someone could resist the urge to not mate with him as he wished. If they did not give themselves up willingly, he would take it by force.  

Poseidon turned out to be no better as he had numerous consorts whether they were consenting or not. Demeter had spoken about Poseidon's attempts in the past but he had yet to be successful in mating with the goddess. Knowing that Hades' brothers had developed a reputation for pursuing numerous lovers, Kore wondered if Hades was attempting to do the same if she would just become another lover to lay with and then be discarded. 

"How many other goddesses have you offered these seeds to?" She asked him suddenly. Her question had caught the God off guard as his eyes flickered for a second with confusion.

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