Chapter Eighteen

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Persephone looked back and forth between the two Hades that stood in the chambers, one looking completely furious, while the other one was wide-eyed in shock

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Persephone looked back and forth between the two Hades that stood in the chambers, one looking completely furious, while the other one was wide-eyed in shock. Immediately, she moved away from the Hades that had her pressed up against the wall making her feel incredibly uncomfortable. As she made a step towards the one in the doorway, he quickly took a step away from her eyeing her with an expression of disgust. She was entirely all too confused with the unfolding situation as she had only returned home to find herself in the middle of a mess. 


"How could you do such a thing and believe that I would not figure it out?" His voice was accusing but full of pain as he looked at her before shaking his head. "With him, of all people?! Did you think a disguise would fool the others into believing that whatever monstrosity came would be viewed as mine?"

"I do not understand what is being said, Hades," Persephone said, pure honesty dripping from her tongue before she looked over her shoulder to face the other. A gasp escaped her lips only to see Zeus standing behind her where the once Hades had been. Her hand clapped over her mouth, wishing to spit as she knew his lips had been pressed against hers for a moment in time. She felt sick to her stomach, able to feel where his hands had touched her, now she understood why Hades looked at her with such a look, she felt disgusting herself. 

But for Hades to accuse her of having knowledge of the imposter and using it as an excuse, it left her completely baffled, yet wounded internally. Never would she ever dream of being with another outside of Hades, she had proved herself against the Furies that she would do anything for him and she loved him dearly. His accusations of her being aware that it was, in fact, Zeus that she was willingly choosing to bed with, left her hurt beyond any physical pain that could manifest. 

"I would never dream of-"

"I said no to the idea of children over my own insecurities, but it seems that I was in my right mind to be insecure. However, it was not over what damage I was capable of doing, but yourself. You are unfit to be a mother if you would go to such lengths and perform such acts to get what you wish, you selfish-"

"You dare blame me for all of this!" She spat at him as tears streamed down her face. "Not him? Not once have you raised an accusing brow in your own brother's direction, but place all the blame on my shoulders. I believed it to be you, I was the one who received your letter delivered to me by Thanatos to meet here in the chambers! I have only been home for a short time and this is what I return to! I would rather have no child at all than with another that is not you! You should have known that better than anyone else, Hades. Have I not been loyal to you for all this time? Have I not reminded you how much I love you nearly every day?"

She stomped over to where her husband stood, holding up her gown to keep her feet free of the materials.

"You were the one who took your insecurities out on me rather than discussing them over. It was you who led to us fighting and for me to leave without uttering you a goodbye. I could have very well stayed with my mother, I was more than welcomed to do so! Instead, I returned to you! In hopes that we could work this out together. Yet, you dare to place all the blame on me, not once have you looked over at your own brother. Not once have you condemned him, knowing how he has acted in the past. You have no right to look at me with such ill eyes, I should be the one to judge you for not placing your faith in me!"

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