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The Underworld was no place to raise an ordinary child, there were screams of the damned, the wrath unleashed daily by Hades himself along with the Furies, and it was a world centered around death

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The Underworld was no place to raise an ordinary child, there were screams of the damned, the wrath unleashed daily by Hades himself along with the Furies, and it was a world centered around death. It was full of darkness, a place that only a few could comfortably call home, and it would remain as such. However, upon the return of Persephone, the light had returned, bringing the sense of balance. Even with the lack of light, flowers of all different colors grew as well as a smile on Hades' face. He was able to punish the damn but return to his wife's side, treating her with a gentle touch and loving words whenever in her presence.

He vowed to never do anything to make her question or doubt their marriage, and he promised with all of his being to do his best to keep her happy. They would share their arguments, have their fights, but both of them had made the promise to never leave just because they were angry. There was plenty of room in the Underworld if they ever needed space but Persephone would never run away from her husband again. 

She returned to her duties, keeping plenty busy while everyone else returned to their own routines. The Moirai were more thankful to have her back, as were the Furies, Thanatos, and Cerberus was especially pleased to see the goddess as she greeted him every time in passing.  She tended to her gardens when she was not called upon for business and she was thankful to continue her walk and watch the flowers blossom. The flowers reminded her of her mother and it brought a smile to her face whenever she worked. 

Demeter had found her own happiness as Persephone kept her promise of keeping an eye on her. She ran the shop that Persephone had once owned and it allowed Mark to continue the work that he loved so much. He was confused as to what had happened to the woman he had worked with before, however, he was happy to share in a task with his mother that they both seemingly enjoyed. The lands flourished all over, even without Persephone's constant presence at her mother's side for months at a time. She was happy, without her old memories haunting her, she was able to form new ones. 

As for Zeus, he had been furious when he learned of what had occurred but he never made any attempts to approach Hades or Persephone on the matter. He never came for Demeter's memories that remained in Persephone's possession and seemingly, no one was punished. Hades and Persephone had no reason to travel outside of the Underworld as they were able to return to their lives and live them as they pleased. 

With no one interfering, the couple had found happiness, even if they lived in what would be labeled as a dismal place to find such. Their love had been founded on flowers, pomegranate seeds, and different interpretations of beauty. They had been met with obstacles and those that wanted to tear them apart, yet it seemed the love that they shared for each other could not be broken. Every challenge only made their love grow stronger and no one could take that away from them.

Hades had been involved in a discussion with Charon, wishing him a good rest as the boat drifted off with Charon lying on his back in a relaxed position. It had certainly been a long day, the acts of war had brought in plenty of souls that needed to be dealt with. It left everyone feeling a bit labored and tired but satisfied. However, Hades knew exactly what he wanted to do after a long day as he left Charon, he wanted to curl up beside his wife and hold her until sleep overcame him. 

To his good fortune, as he returned to his chambers, he found Persephone already lying in bed, sound asleep. Her hair had fallen over her face, her covers wrapped around her as if she were trying to replace the feeling of him holding her during his absence. 

Quietly, he made his way over and crawled onto the bed slowly, careful to not disturb her sleep. She needed her rest above everyone else at the time. As he laid beside her, one arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her body into his until they molded together. His hand came to rest on her swollen belly as he closed his eyes. There seemed to be a permanent smile etched on his face as he slowly began to drift off entering a familiar dream.

At one point, Persephone rolled to rest on her other side, facing him. She rested her head in the crook of her husband's neck, remaining asleep as pleasant dreams visited her mind. Hades shared the same dream as they pictured a little one running about, the shrill little laugh that escaped the child as the two pursued her in a playful manner. Her mother's smile, her father's paleness, the darker locks that fell into her face as she was caught and lifted up into her father's arms. She was beautiful and everything the two could hope for and Hades and Persephone could not wait to meet her. 

The Underworld was no place to raise an ordinary child, but no ordinary child would come from the King and Queen of the Underworld. 


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