Chapter Fifteen

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Hades could remember the first intimate moment he shared with Persephone. When her lips met his and how it had caught him completely off guard. He had noticed that she was becoming accustomed to the darkness and seemed to be rather enjoying herself in the presence of the Underworld, more so than he had ever envisioned her doing. She tended to her garden, bringing the soft and bright colors to the seemingly dismal scenery. He could watch her for hours as she tended to each plant, humming to herself in a low tone as if she was afraid to disturb those around her. The Morai and Thanatos often times had to drag him away to keep the God on task or he would probably spend the rest of eternity just admiring the woman from afar.

While surrounded by such harshness and delivering punishments to those that were ill-fated, many seemed to neglect that Hades himself was not a monster, in fact, he was the furthest thing from it. His brothers treated other women and goddesses as if they were trophies, only there to be mounted as if it were an honor to be bedded by them. They didn't believe in any consequences of their actions because no one really held them to such standards. Hades dealt with the worse after that passed over, in hopes of inflicting pain on them for their crimes. He was the fear that the world needed, he should have acted as a deterrent for people to commit such horrible acts. Yet it seemed hypocritical with some of the Gods' behavior to punish mortals for their sins.

Zeus had no problem punishing others, but he could not point the finger at himself for his own crimes. The crimes that would leave Hera, a beautiful soul, in such pain that she internalized for so long. Her husband was not faithful to her, Cerberus showed more faithfulness to Hades than Zeus did to his own wife. But no one would dare speak out against the God, it would be foolish to do so, instead, Hades learned from the example of what he didn't want to do, especially when it came to Persephone. 

All he wanted to do was be the reason that would bring a smile to her face and he hoped that one day, she would look at him with such admiration as he held for her. In such a short amount of time, she had rendered him weak, not physically, but emotionally. He would drop anything for her if she called upon him, he was devoted to doing anything to make her see him in a better light, whether it was showering her with gifts, praise, or anything she requested.

However, Persephone didn't request anything of him, which left Hades confused. It seemed her freedom from her mother had left her feeling quite independent even in foreign territory. She didn't ask for gifts, she hardly asked for anything as she would simply tend to her gardens or join Hades when he requested her to. He would reiterate time after time that if she needed anything or wanted anything that he would be able to provide it, but she simply gave a nod of her head, claiming that she understood. 

It was at one point where she had been tending to her garden as he watched from afar. The echoing cries of the damned serenaded the scene from the background, but the two were left undisturbed as the Furies seemed to be enjoying their tasks. He became startled at one point as Persephone, suddenly stopped what she was doing and glanced over her shoulder, looking directly at him. For a moment, panic stirred in Hades' chest as he realized that he had been caught, wondering if she would be upset with him for watching as long as he did.

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