08 | The Flight

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The plane touches down on the tarmac, my ears popping as the aircraft fills with the noise of movement, the snap of seatbelts unbuckling even as the attendant asks people to stay seated with seatbelts buckled. I remain in my seat at the back of the plane, hat pulled low over my face, glasses on my head and my two best friends beside me dressed much the same way.

Someone starts clapping from the front and Levi and Jason pick it up, their claps filled with relief that the plane landed safely.

I shake my head with a chuckle at their antics, unclipping my seatbelt but waiting for the plane to empty before all three of us move.

I reach up, grabbing the lightly packed bag and swinging it onto my back.

I duck slightly to check I don't leave anything on my seat before starting to walk off the plane, the boys in front of me.

A noise erupts in front of me, and I stop, glancing at the two women standing at the end of the aisle.

I flash a grin to the two flight attendants, and they smile politely back, one's eyes wide as she looks between Jason, Levi and I. The recognition bright in her gaze even with our glasses and hats.

I dip my chin and slow my steps, waiting for the woman to open her mouth.

"You're Levi Hall." She states, her words holding reverence as she looks at Levi.

"In the flesh." He dazzles her with his smile, the grin lopsided as his eyes sway between the two women.

The other woman by her side runs her eyes up Levi's form before looking towards Jason and I, her eyes unimpressed and attitude dismissive.

I refrain from chuckling at the look and quickly leave the plane, Jason following me before Levi takes up the rear, waving over his shoulder at the one starstruck woman.

• • •

The coolness of the airport disappears as the doors slide open and the heat whips me in the face.

I breathe in the air and smile, a relaxing mood taking over my demeanour. Levi comes up on my left while Jason rounds my right, their bags dangling from their fingertips.

I glance around for Matt, as he said he'd meet us here and take us to the side of the villa we will be staying at, while Asters party will be staying on the other side.

The acres of land surrounded by lush greenery and a private beach, a mansion to house over thirty people.

"Tobias!" A voice yells over my thoughts and I flick my head to the side, looking past Levi and Jason's shoulders at the figure of my cousin walking towards us.

"Matthew!" Jason exclaims, dropping his bag at my feet and pouncing on the approaching man.

The four of us had gone to university together. Quickly becoming fast friends. Jason and Matt had been roommates while Jason was at Uni for Hockey and Matt for engineering. Levi and I obviously met Jason through the sport, training together and eventually becoming friends and getting into the same team after graduation. We were inseparable. Matt had been the only one of us to move away after graduation, settling in a whole new city hours away.

Sometimes I envied him for that but our lives had seemed to work out so far.

A smile takes over my features as I begin to walk towards Matt, who struggles to hold back an overexcited Jason.

Levi pulls the boy-man off of my struggling cousin, his laughter loud in the sweltering heat.

I clap Matt on the back, bringing him in for a hug before stepping back, "Congratulations are in order."

"We haven't gotten married yet." Matt responds, beaming, his hand coming to rest of my shoulder with a slap.

"One look at you and I can see you're in love, so I'm getting in early and saying congratulation."

Matt rolls his eyes but doesn't stop smiling. "Asters around here somewhere, she's just grabbing coffee."

"Talking about being in love." Jason's glittering eyes come to rest on me, "Tobi has a lady friend." His grin stretches wide as he sees my cousin look to me with eyebrows raised, happy with the drama he's caused.

"I don't." I respond, shaking my head even as my thoughts go straight to the woman who left my apartment with more then just my bed sheet.

She seemed to have taken every bit of sense I had, stripped me bare and left me wanting more. How a woman could do that after one meeting was beyond me, even if it was one hell of a meeting.

A drunk one at that.

"Well, he would." Jason pins me with a look. "If he remembered her name-" his tone turns dry, "or did the gentlemanly thing of not sleeping with her on the first date."

"It wasn't a date." I fight uselessly and stupidly since that just adds fuel to the fire Jason is creating.

"You didn't even take her on a date before you found her in your bed," Matt says in shock, his eyes pinned on me and with a shake of his head, he grins. "You move fast Tobi." He pats my shoulder, a bit too harsh to be totally friendly and laughs, his blond hair shining under the midday sun.

I shake my head at all three of them, swiping my hand through the dark locks, fingers pulling at the strands.

"Yeah, I know. I fucked up." I say quietly, not wanting the people around us to hear. I'd already noticed the eyes, the way people tracked us and even a few phones pointed in our direction.

I really didn't need the latest gossip magazine splattering my face on the front page with the words, 'Tobias Chadwick, the newest player to take the crown for dickhead of the year.'

That title would always belong to Levi.

Matts eyes light up as he looks behind me, his smile widening. "There's Aster."

Levi whips his head over his shoulder, eyes searching for the woman who has my cousins heart stitched right next to hers.

I do as well, my neck stretching as I look over the crowd, a polite smile on my face as I prepare to meet my future cousin in law.

"Oh, shit." I hear Levi whisper seconds before my gaze connects to a pair of midnight blue eyes.

Eyes I know all too well.

My smile drops.

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