19 | The Wedding

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The afternoon sun slips through the windows and bathes the aisle in its golden hue, the warmth sweeping over me as I walk under its loving gaze, Tobias at my side, the soft hum of the music accompanying us.

The brush of his fingers on my wrist causes butterflies to swoop my stomach, a small grin lifting my lips and I turn my head just slightly to face him, seeing the smile on his own face. Turning back to the front of the cathedral, I grin at Matthew, dipping my chin just slightly at the awe and love on his faces while he waits for Aster to appear.

I pause at the bottom of the three steps, Tobias fingers brushing my skin one last time before we separate and walk to our opposite sides, turning to face to the back of the room as the double doors slip open and the music begins to reach a crescendo.

Aster appears, a vision of beauty, her smile filled with warmth and love. The love Matt and Aster share, rare as a comet in the sky.

As Aster walks down the aisle, the light dances on her flowing white gown, creating an otherworldly glow around her. It was as if she had stepped out of a fairy tale, a vision of grace and radiance.

The delicate petals of her bouquet shimmered with a sprinkle of stardust, each flower holding a whispered secret between lovers.

Her eyes find mind quickly in the moment and her smile grows, her happiness contagious as I meet her smile with one of my own.

Aster reaches the top of the stairs quickly, her eyes only on her soon-to-be husband once more. I reach forward, taking the bouquet from her hands as she releases them and step back into line as the officiant clears their throat and begins.

A soft ache begins in my chest as I watch all my sisters' dreams come true, wishing I could see her this happy all the time, her world a canvas upon which dreams could be painted in the most extraordinary of ways

• • •

The smile on my face stretches to the maximum, watching my sister stand with her back to us, her laugh echoing from one side of the room to the other as everyone joins in cheering.

"Three. . ."

"Two. . . "

I step further back into the crowd of waiting ladies, my hand resting softly atop my stomach, shrinking into the crowd.


The bouquet of colourful flowers sails over Asters head, spinning through the air, almost as if in slow motion. Before a hand reaches up, the bouquet slips from the person grip, landing in the ladies behind her.

My eye widen when I see Arden holding the bouquet, her own eyes surprised as she looks at the flowers and at the crowd of ladies as the whistles and cheering gets louder.

A hand lands on my elbow, pulling me gently from the crowd and I step back into Tobias' embrace, his arms curling around my waist.

His head leans down toward mine, the feel on his lips skimming the shell of my ear as he whispers, "You didn't want to catch it?"

I smile and rest my hand over his, slipping my fingers in between his on my stomach.

I hum back, shaking my head with a smile on my face.

He hums from the back of his throat, the sound low and guttural.

I feel him smile against my ear before he murmurs, "We're leaving after the garter toss."

I nod, feeling him step away as Matt takes the spot where Aster stood, a garter in his fingers.

He lifts his hand, spinning the piece of cloth around his finger above his head like a halo.

The men take centre stage, the women backing off as their cheers join the crowd, high pitched whistles sounding out.

"Are we ready for the garter toss?" The MC announces, his question answered with a round of wolf whistles.

Matt turns his back to the crowd of men, wiggling his arms as he looks over both shoulders, rubbing his knuckles on the pads of his shoulders, acting like he's beginning to make the play of the season instead of throwing a wedding garment around a room.

I hide my laugh behind my hand, watching him as he copies Asters earlier moves of practicing the throw before he lets the cloth go, swinging it at the men.

A hand reaches skyward, fingers curling around the piece of cloth tightly as the wolf whistles get louder, a chant beginning.



Jason drops his arms, sauntering out of the crowd, his eyes pinned across the room. I follow his gaze, finding Arden standing there, watching him with an equal amount of fascination, her hands clutching the bouquet.

"Now for the garter catcher to put the garter on our bouquet catcher!" The MC announces, the cheers accompanying his words as a chair is brought out into the middle of the room, Arden waved to sit in the chair, her sage green bridesmaids dress falling at her feet.

She watches Jason as he approaches, his eyes dragging down her figure as he holds the garter in a clenched hand and gets down on his knees in front of her.

Hands wrap around me and I turn in Tobias embrace, taking his offered hand as we begin walking out of the venue, the laughter behind us growing.

• • •

The door echoes to a shut behind us.

Tobias turns to me, his hands curling around my waist, a grin on his face. "You didn't want to catch the bouquet, huh?"

I roll my eyes playfully. "I don't think I'm ready to catch a bouquet just yet." I lift my head, resting my chin on his chest as I look up at Tobias.

He begins to sway, the silent music coaxing our movements, the feel of Tobias hands at the small of my back warming me.

Tobias chuckled. "Well, we have plenty of time for that."

A smile lifts my lips and I drop my face into his chest, closing my eyes.

Who would have known that this man could bring up so many emotions in me, make me feel so safe so quickly.


I him and lift my chin, looking up at Tobias to find his eyes on me.

He doesn't say anything, just lifts a hand to rest it under my chin and and drops his head, his lips smoothing against mine.

I step back, feeling the bed behind me and drop down to it, Tobias dropping to his knees before me.

Fate Knows How to Play ✔️ || 1 || Off the Ice SeriesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin