15 | The Game

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Morning light peers in through the glass of the window, gazing over my face. I blink against the harsh light, groaning softly under my breath and roll to the side, throwing my leg over the pillow beside me.

A hissed breath releases into the air and I pause, slowly opening my eyes to see Tobias statue-still beside me.

I push myself up and he moves, hands coming down to stop my leg from moving, holding me impossibly still.

I furrow my brow.

"What are you doing?"

His eyes swing to mine, "What am I doing?" He huffs a laugh, "What are you doing?"

I tilt my head, trying to pry my thigh from his grip when I feel what I've done.

My mouth pops open in surprise, feeling the hard length stiffen more under my calf, twitching slightly.

"Stop it." I hiss at Tobias.

"I'm not doing anything."

I circle my hand around his hips, "Yes, you are."

"I can't help it, you're the one rubbing on me."

"I was sleeping." I hiss, moving my leg.

His hand tightens on my thigh, keeping it in place.

"Stop. Moving." He hushes out.

I narrow my eyes, and deliberately rub my calf along his member before moving it away and sitting up.

He hisses on a breath and seconds later I feel his hands on my hips, pulling me towards him.

I squeak as I'm pulled unceremoniously onto his lap, straddling his hips, feeling his cock beneath me.

Tobias' fingers flex on my hips, fingertips pushing into the fat, before he relaxes his grip.

"I don't know why I just did that." He murmurs slowly, his voice low.

I move my hips slightly, "I do."

His grip tightens. "If you don't want me fucking you senseless, you need to stay still."

I lift a brow, the very thought of his cock entering me causing wetness to slick my inner thighs and I move above him once more.

He narrows his eyes on me.

"You're playing a dangerous game." He hisses, helping me subconsciously grind my hips into his, his hands guiding my body.

I grin, not caring about the consequences and grind down on him, feeling his hardened length against my core.

"But I love the game so much." I whisper.

"Rose." He hushes.

"I want you to touch me." I say quietly, but not hesitantly.

"We haven't even talked yet-"

"We have plenty of time to talk later."

He grunts when I move slightly over him, his finger almost bruising on my hips, lingering over the stretch marks and dimples there.

He watches the palms of his hands squeeze my flesh, before travelling lower to my thighs, running up and down them.

"Are you sure?" His eyes travel slowly up to mine, imploring, searching for my truth.

I nod.

"I need you to say the words, Rose."


His palms move up and down my thighs as if he can't help himself, moving slowly around to my ass, pulling me further into his body.

I gasp, watching his eyes as they travel over my body, lingering on my stomach before they find mine.

His hands move to my lower back, causing me to bend closer to him, and I sigh when his lips capture mine.

He grins as he kisses me, hand winding into my hair to keep me close. Drawing my lips into a dance with his; tongue swirling sensually with mine.

"How can I miss a persons lips when I hardly had them in the first place?" He murmurs against mine and I groan, my fingers digging into his shoulders.

"When you find the answer, let me know." I mutter back.

He chuckles, nipping my bottom lip.

His hands grasp at my ass, grinding me against his member. I begin moving, circling my hips, my nipples hardening.

He groans, sipping at my lips like I'm the simplest of pleasures, savouring each drunken kiss.

My hands move of their own accord, slipping along the muscles of his shoulders as he twists us around, moving me carefully until I'm beneath him against the mattress.

He lifts above me, staring down at me, searching my gaze before his eyes linger down my body and he follows, planting a kiss against my collarbone.

He moves his way down slowly, nipping, kissing and sucking his way from collarbone to my lower stomach, where he pauses before placing a delicate kiss there.

I swallow the emotion clogged in my throat, ignoring the hormones running rampant beneath and forth about the what if for just a moment as he slips his hands under the bottoms I wear, pulling them from my legs.

I lift my hips, helping him before settling back on the mattress, watching through hooded eyes as he palms my thighs, smoothing his hands up and down them.

"I swear this wasn't what I had planned to do to you this morning." He murmurs.

I lift a brow, talking spelt as if not wanting to bust the bubble we've created. "What we're you going to do?"

"Take you to breakfast. Talk."

"You can take me to dinner." I whisper.

He looks up at me, smiling. "It's a date."

I grin back. "It's a date." I repeat lowly.

His grin turns lazy then as he moves further down the bed, "Guess only one of us will be eating this morning."

The words flutter through the air seconds before I feel his lips clamp around my clit, sucking it into his mouth and my hips lift from the bed, a moan slipping past my lips.


His hand move, forcing my hips back to the mattress as he feats on my core, his tongue swirling deliciously against me, the suction of his lips chasing jolt of pleasure to travel down my legs.

My hand curl by my sides, wanting, needing something to grasp at.

One folds the sheets between tight fingers, the other finding his brunette strands.

I clutch his head to me, shoving his face further forward before pushing it back again when the pleasure becomes too much.

His fingers tighten my my hips, forcing my to stay still as he laps at my pussy, nipping my clit gently. I feel his digits at my entrance, toying with the wetness there before he slips one in and curls it.

"Oh, fu-" I clutch his hair, pulling the strands tightly and I feel a second finger join the first.

My head falls back against the pillows, my toes curling before I force my head up, wanting to watch him.

And I see his eyes open, watching me as he feasts and licks below, bringing me to the brink of pleasure and with one finally suck, two fingers now curling inside of me, I'm pushed off the precipice.

I come down quickly, the aftershocks of pleasure still tingling along even as my mind clears quickly and I breathe out a rough sigh, blinking at Tobias' mischievous face.

"You good?" His lips curl around the word, eyes twinkling.

I narrow mine on him, unable to from words as he pushes himself up and climbs over me, placing a kiss again my neck before murmuring, "Remind me to thank Aster for forcing you in here with me."

A chuckle releases from my lips, "we can thank her together."

Tobias laughs lowly, dropping to his back beside me and curling his arms around me, pulling me into his side.

I curl around him, sighing.

Fate Knows How to Play ✔️ || 1 || Off the Ice SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now