25 | The Surprise Visit

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R O S E 

Almost three months later.

I sit at my desk, staring at the computer screen but not really seeing the words in front of me. My mind drifts, lost in a sea of memories and unanswered questions. It's been almost three months since the wedding, since the miscarriage, and yet the pain still lingers, a constant companion that refuses to release its grip.

I try my best to focus on my work, but the words blur together, jumbled and meaningless.

A soft knock on my door echoes before it pushes open, my body striding into the office. He takes one look at me, his gaze sharp and perceptive.

"Rose," he calls, his voice firm yet laced with a touch of concern. "Can I have a word with you?"

I tear my gaze away from the screen and meet his eyes, feeling a mix of anxiety and resignation. "Of course, Mr. Thompson," I reply, my voice barely audible.

He motions for me to follow him into his office, a small space adorned with bookshelves and framed literary quotes. I take a seat across from him, feeling the weight of his scrutiny.

"Rose, it's clear that something is weighing heavily on your mind," he begins, his tone gentle yet direct. "I've noticed your distraction at work, and it's not fair to you or the authors you're working with."

I bite my lip, struggling to find the right words. The truth is, my mind is consumed by thoughts of what could have been, of the life that slipped through my fingers. The emptiness within me is palpable, and it spills over into every aspect of my life, including my work.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Thompson," I reply, my voice trembling slightly. "It's just... I've been going through a difficult time lately."

He studies me for a moment, his gaze filled with a mix of empathy and understanding. "Rose, I value your dedication and talent as an editor," he says, his voice softening. "But I can't ignore the toll this is taking on you. You need time to heal, to process your emotions."

I nod, tears welling in my eyes. His words resonate within me, acknowledging the pain I've been carrying silently. The weight of his understanding offers a small glimmer of solace.

"I'm going to ask you to take two weeks off, maybe more if needed," Mr. Thompson continues, his voice gentle but decisive. "Use this time to take care of yourself, to find the strength to move forward. Your well-being is important to me, and I want you to come back refreshed and ready to face the challenges ahead."

"I like to be distracted. I need it." I almost beg but Mr Thompson doesn't budge, shaking his head. "I'm putting you on mental health leave."

"I can come back in two weeks?" I ask.

His brows furrow, disappointment in his gaze. "See how you feel."

"Thank you, Mr. Thompson," I manage to say, my voice laced with both gratitude and despair. "I... I truly appreciate your support."

He offers a kind smile, his eyes filled with reassurance. "Take all the time you need, Rose. Remember, you're not alone, I know it seems far fetched but you can come to me for anything."

As I step out of his office, a mixture of emotions floods my heart. The muscle eclipsed by sorrow.

I walk out of the building, my laptop and few belonging in hand, wandering what I'm even going to do with a two weeks off.

• • •

Three months later.

My head falls into my hands, fingers rubbing relentlessly at my temples. Staring at the screen of my computer, I groan, scrolling further down the manuscript.

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