35 | The Workout and Audio Orgasms

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My back tenses the slightest bit when I hear her bedroom door open, the sound of her feet slapping against the wood floor growing closer.

Turning in my spot at the kitchen, I pick up my coffee mug, bringing it to my lips to refrain from saying something I shouldn't.

Like telling Rose how attractive she looks with bags under her eyes, hair messy and drowning in my shirt.

I'm not too proud to admit that she had popped into my thoughts one too many times this morning while I was having a shower, my body still remembering the feel of her.

The coffee tastes flavourless on my tongue in comparison to the memory of her, of that day in the cupboard.

She takes a seat across from me, the stool spinning beneath her from the movement, before she slumps forward, head in her hands.

I laugh and her head snaps up, glaring at me with those midnight blue eyes.

I take another sip of my coffee, my amusement doubling as I watch her gaze flicker to my lips, eyes hungry.

"Coffee?" I asks.

She blinks, her head shaking the tiniest bit. "What?"

I can't help the grin that stretches across my face, "Do you want some coffee?"

At her nod, I begin making her one, moving around the kitchen, all while feeling her gaze on me.

I place the cup in front of her when I'm done, leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Do you want some eggs?" I ask.

Her nose scrunches up in that adorable way she does when something disgusts her, eyes creasing at the corners. "I don't think I could stomach them right now."

"What about hash browns?"

Her eyes light up, "It's always a yes to hash browns."

I move to the oven, preheating it before walking for the freezer, retrieving the bag of hash browns and preparing them.

I can feel Roses eyes on me, lingering on my back, her gaze as physical as a touch on my skin.

Looking at her over my shoulder, I catch ear red handed and a thrill races through me before I place the hash browns in the oven and turn back to her.

"They'll be ten to fifteen, if you want to go have a shower?"

Rose looks euphoric at the thought and jumps up, walking back to her bedroom with a small sway to her hips. I have to quell the groan that wants to exit my lips, reaching for the coffee instead.

• • •

The clatter of metal on her plate bring my focus back to Rose and she sits back, smiling gratefully. "Thank you."

I nod, shooting back the last of my second coffee for the day and walk for the sink, grabbing her plate as I go.

"Why are you shirtless?" Rose asks and I turn to see her wise eyes, as if she didn't mean to ask the question.

I raise a brow, amused. "I'm heading to the gym for a session with Jason and Levi."

"Oh." Her shoulders drop.

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