14 | The Juicy Gossip

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My eyes snap open; the breath stilling in my lungs and I slowly turn my head to gaze at the body beside mine, Tobias still fast asleep.

Pushing from the mattress, I lift my body up, wincing with every sound the bed makes as I move.

Slowly and cautiously, I shift my body, carefully sliding out from under the covers and tiptoeing towards the bedroom door.

I reach out my hand, expecting to turn the doorknob and make a silent escape. But to my frustration, the door remains locked. Aster or Matt haven't unlocked it, leaving me trapped in the room.

I turn back to Tobias, making sure he's still asleep trying it one more time, just to be left disappointed.

Huffing, I scowl at the door.

I listen intently for any signs of movement from him, praying that he would stay fast asleep just a little while longer.

But my hopes are dashed as I hear Tobias stir behind me. Panic surges through me, and without thinking, I dart towards the bathroom.

"Rose?" Tobias voice is husky with sleep, the mattress squeaking under his weight as he moves.

"I just need to take a quick shower. I'll be right out!"

"Rose what-"

The slam of the door shuts the rest of his words from entering. Leaning against the sink, I let out a long breath, trying to calm my racing heart.

Reaching the shower knob, I twist it, letting the sound of the rushing water smooth over me. The warm water cascaded from the showerhead, its soothing sound creating a sanctuary of privacy.

Stripping, I stood under the water, allowing it to wash away the remnants of sleep and the tension that had built up inside me. The gentle spray caressed my skin, easing the unease that had settled in my bones. Time seemed to slow as I lost myself in the rhythmic pattern of droplets hitting the tiles.

Minutes turned into moments, and I lose track of how long I had been standing there. The worries about Tobias waking up and the locked door faded into the background as the water enveloped me in a cocoon of serenity. I hoped that when I finally stepped out, he would be gone, the door unlocked, and I could slip away unnoticed.

As the water trickled down my body, I took my time, savoring each sensation, deliberately elongating the moments. The steam filled the bathroom, wrapping me in a shroud of temporary escape. Yet, with each passing second, a part of me couldn't help but wonder if Tobias was still in the room, waiting patiently for my return.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I turned off the shower, the steady drum of water replaced by silence. Wrapping myself in a towel, I hesitated before stepping out of the bathroom, my heart racing with anticipation and anxiety.

To my relief, the room is empty, except for the woman sitting on the bed.

My luggage rests at Asters feet, a clear sign that she had orchestrated this whole ordeal.

"You're the worst."

"Now spill! What happened between you two?"

I sink onto the edge of the bed, my mind racing to catch up with the sudden change in circumstances. Tobias was gone, which was what I wanted. So why was I upset?

"Where's Tobias?"

"I kicked him out." Aster says, crossing her legs. "He's gone to get coffee for everyone with Matt."

"Oh." Blinking, I held my hand out for my bags, needing to get changed and Aster lifted it up, sitting it on the bed for me.

"So, tell me what happened?"

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